Chapter 6 (2/2)

Knight of Demise Rare Cat 45700K 2022-07-22

“That’s right.”

Julian readily agrees.

“But, as land-holding n.o.bles go, you’re pretty small-time.”

Auvalire curves her lips upwards, revealing a confident smile.

“I am the princess royal of this kingdom.”

“You were, in the past. Not anymore.”

Her words are combative, but Julian refuses to budge. He admires Auvalire's pretty face, making his appreciation of it plain. Disregarding all else, attractive women are at least easy on the eyes; women who are both attractive and smart, increasingly so.

“You’re not wrong.”

His words do not deject her, nor is there any trace of sadness or despondency. Quite the opposite, she answers him with a resolute nod.

“Right now, I'm just an ordinary person… and there is a price to every deal. I don't have the luxury of haggling; there's no reason for me to refuse your proposition. My old life is no longer. I’ve had enough of the terror and emptiness, the pure, unbridled chaos. I would rather choose a different future, however uncertain it may be …”

A hint of stubbornness enters Auvalire’s voice.

“After all, it is a path that I am choosing.”

“Very good.”

Julian inclines his head in satisfaction. He stands up, walking to her side; airborne, she looks at him with a mixture of interest and concern, perhaps even momentary panic.

“What do you mean to do? Don’t you need a magical diagram, or some kind of incantation?”

“I’ve said this before, but I am no wizard; I am a knight.”

The youth offers her a cordial, charming smile, filled with pride and confidence.

“I have no need for such convoluted preparations. An easier method exists for me to create and perfect your body …” Noticing Auvalire’s puzzled expression, Julian takes a brief pause. “There is a large amount of void magic within you, which has persisted even after death. Hmm … but, I’ve never heard of your proficiency in the art?”

“No, I have none.”

Auvalire tilts her head in bemus.e.m.e.nt.

“I don’t know what void magic is… I feel only a strong force acting deep within my soul. I’d never had these sensations when I was alive.”

“Perhaps it has to do with your time as an arcane revenant?”

Vehement obsession and rampant magic served as the chains to Auvalire’s soul. Perhaps the duality’s unlikely coexistence had been the catalyst to awakening her elemental void. It’s only a guess, of course, but one that Julian finds a strange amount of credence in; if the princess’s magical talent had been discovered during her lifetime, she would have been treated as an endangered species… making her unpropitious murder in such a backwoods place no longer plausible.

“Ah, but you needn’t be concerned with these things.”

Not lingering further on the subject, Julian moves on with his explanation.

“I think it would be possible for you to freely use that power. What I must now do is to construct a nucleus within your soul. You need only focus on filling it with your strength when I say the word. Not a difficult task for you, I’m sure.”

“I understand.”

Auvalire’s face is stiff as she observes Julian’s gradual approach, but she nods nevertheless. The latter exhibits a peculiar smile in turn, and reaches a hand towards the girl’s chest.


Even though she is keenly aware of her ethereal existence and comparative intangibility, Auvalire crosses her arms in front of her chest regardless, taking a few steps back in reflex. Julian is undeterred; extending his arm past hers, he reaches deep within her body.

For Julian, the soul before him is a being of pure spirit – unable to offer any physical resistance no matter how palpable her appearance. After all, there is only air. He tightens his grasp on the source of magic within her soul, and closes his eyes.


As if on cue, the light about them is suddenly extinguished. A distinct power swirls in his right palm, its shape contorting and coalescing.

Auvalire feels a peculiar sensation.

It is the first time that the girl has, in a manner of speaking, allowed a man to “enter” her proximity. [4] Needless to say, she is both anxious and a little awkward.  A rising warmth, however, brings her indescribable feelings of comfort; like an infernal tide wantonly cras.h.i.+ng against her extremities, it stokes her fire hotter and hotter. With no recourse, Auvalire bites firmly into her lips in self-restraint. She feels a profound shudder from within; a fiery, savage energy erupts, destroying her few remaining shreds of reason.

“The time is now!”

[1] Holy adjective barrage, batman.

[2] i.e. eldest princess.

[3] “ὃν οἱ θεοὶ φιλοῦσιν, ἀποθνῄσκει νέος.” Menander, Dis Exapatōn. Plautus quips a similar phrase in the Bacchides – “quem di diligunt / adulescens moritur”.

[4] This whole section is mildly euphemistic, which is clear; but also disorganized and repet.i.tive, which I have tried to reduce.
