Part 19 (1/2)

He moved, the door opened in the paneling, and he was gone. Chekhov heaved a sigh of relief. ”Thank G.o.d. Let's get out of here. Where do we go now?”

”The Astoria, the staff hotel for GRU headquarters. It's not exactly the Dorchester, but you'll be amongst friends.”

Chekhov accepted the Astoria with good grace, for an old soldier amongst soldiers again usually fits in. Ivanov helped him settle in, and suggested meeting downstairs in half an hour for a meal. with good grace, for an old soldier amongst soldiers again usually fits in. Ivanov helped him settle in, and suggested meeting downstairs in half an hour for a meal.

Chekhov said, ”Look, Captain, I was wounded in Afghanistan, so I'm not just a rich fool like some of my fellow oligarchs. Your colonel has told me about your plan, and the Prime Minister's just confirmed it to me.”

”Do you have a problem with it?”

”Of course not, those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds crippled me. But just sit down for ten minutes and tell me exactly what's happening. Would that be asking too much?”

”Not at all,” Ivanov said, and told him everything.

Afterwards, he left Chekhov to unpack and went in search of Holley, whom he found in the office, working away on the computer, papers spread around, sometimes making notes by hand. to unpack and went in search of Holley, whom he found in the office, working away on the computer, papers spread around, sometimes making notes by hand.

He sat down for a while, watching him. ”I see you still like doing things the old-fas.h.i.+oned way.”

”It may seem strange,” Holley said, ”but I find that no matter how much information I acc.u.mulate electronically, I can extract the essence of things with a few brief notes by hand.”

”And what are you searching for?” They turned and found Lermov standing in the doorway, Chekhov peering over his shoulder. ”Max Chekhov . . . Daniel Holley.”

Holley nodded, and said, ”Anything and everything about all the individuals involved in this affair, their comings and goings, their timetables. Take Lady Monica Starling, for instance. I've now got her family home in Ess.e.x, her brother's house in Dover Street, her rooms in Cambridge. I've got a full schedule of her lectures and seminars online. And I've got pretty much the same for most of the people on our list, as much as is possible.”

”So when do you think you'll be ready?” Lermov asked. ”To give Daly a call and tell her the day of reckoning is here?”

”Oh, very soon, I should think. First, I need something from you: encrypted mobiles, one for each of us, and a spare for Caitlin Daly.”

Lermov said, ”See to that, Peter. Anything else?”

”You'll have my on file somewhere. I'd only just renewed it in 'ninety-four when you grabbed me in Kosovo.”

”You want to have it back?” Lermov asked.

”It would be nice. And, don't forget, I was always a highly successful businessman in the world's eyes, although a trifle disreputable because of the arms dealing. The darker side of my record has never been in the public domain. I even have a bank deposit in London. If you can find the, your people could put a stamp or two in it to fill in the five-year gap.” Holley nodded, looking thoughtful. ”And while you're at it, prepare another British to go with it. Daniel Grimshaw, a good Yorks.h.i.+re name. I can thicken my accent to go with that.”

”Is that all?” Lermov said. ”If it is, I suggest we go down for dinner.”

Holley shook his head. ”I'll join you a bit later. I still need to check a few things about the opposition. I need to know exactly what their schedules are.” He smiled. ”You said that if you want to ten people, invite them round to dinner and explode a bomb under the table. Obviously, we can't do that. But victim by victim has its problems also. It's like a warning light to anyone else connected.”

”I can see that, but what's the answer?”

”To hit everybody at once, no matter where they are.”

”That would take some planning,” Ivanov told him.

”You could say that. So leave me to it. And I'd appreciate the encrypted mobiles at your soonest.”

They left, and Holley cut to the news on television. They were talking politics as usual, and there was some fuss about Europe's cry that the Russian Federation was depriving them of gas and oil, turning off the pipelines. They cut to Putin vigorously defending himself, blaming America for interfering in European affairs, castigating Britain for supporting them. It seems there was some meeting of the UN in just a week, and Putin was going there to defend his point of view.

Holley switched off, smiling slightly. ”Clever b.a.s.t.a.r.d,” he said softly. ”Daring the President and the Prime Minister to show up and face him. Which, of course, they won't.” And then a switch clicked in his head. What was it he had seen? He quickly paged through his notes and-yes, there it was. Harry Miller's Parliamentary diary: 6th February, visit to the United Nations, New York, on behalf of the Prime Minister. 6th February, visit to the United Nations, New York, on behalf of the Prime Minister. It was the date of Putin's intended appearance. It was the date of Putin's intended appearance.

He pushed a bit further and found a booking for Miller at the Plaza Hotel in New York, a place he knew well, looking across Central Park. And there was something else he'd noticed before. What was it, what was it?

And then he had it. His fingers danced over the computer keys again, accessing the White House administrative logs. Yes, Blake Johnson would be spending a three-day weekend on Long Island and in New York City: His fingers danced over the computer keys again, accessing the White House administrative logs. Yes, Blake Johnson would be spending a three-day weekend on Long Island and in New York City: On Presidential business at the United Nations. On Presidential business at the United Nations. And the first day of Blake's holiday was February 6th, a Friday. And the first day of Blake's holiday was February 6th, a Friday.

Miller & Johnson. Holley smiled. Holley smiled.


After a while, Ivanov entered the office, a bag in one hand. He opened it and produced two mobile phones with their chargers.

Holley examined one. ”It looks good, small, light.”

”It's called a Codex, produced by British intelligence. To be honest, we've simply stolen it and manufactured it for ourselves. It's totally encrypted. The number for each one is on the sticker on the back. You just peel it off.”


”And I've gone round to records and found your I'm having the forgery section bring the up-to-date with a few entry stamps, as you wanted, and they're creating a new one for Daniel Grimshaw.” He held up a small camera. ”So don't smile, please, just look solemn.”

He took what he wanted, and Lermov came along the walkway and opened the door. ”What's all this?”

”Forgery, need a photo,” Ivanov told him.

”I see. Chekhov's gone to bed. I think we all should.”

”One more thing,” Holley said. ”I need some clothes.”

”I suppose we could find something suitable enough for flying in the Falcon-” Ivanov began, and Holley cut him off.

”Don't be stupid. I am not flying in the Falcon. British intelligence monitors your planes in and out of the country. I can't afford to be seen anywhere near you, and, to be frank about it, neither can Chekhov. He shouldn't be observed getting off a Russian flight in the company of important GRU people. It's too political a statement.”

Lermov nodded. ”You're right, of course. I see you have the mobiles you wanted. We have them now, too, so we can keep in touch at all times. Ivanov will take you shopping for clothes tomorrow.”

”But what guarantee do we have that, once out of our sight, he won't do a runner, Colonel?” Ivanov demanded.