Part 10 (1/2)

She glanced at it. ”I remember very well. Do you want me to read it out?”

”No, just tell us the gist of it.” He leaned back and waited.

”It came in minutes before midnight on a Sunday, and I was on the night s.h.i.+ft. It was a most-secret from the Paris The American Vice President was in Paris for a UN thing and was flying back to Was.h.i.+ngton on Monday morning, next day. Once in the air, the plan was to divert to London for a meeting with the British Prime Minister, the Israeli Prime Minister, and the President of Palestine to try and broker a deal for peace in Gaza.”

”And you took it straight to Luzhkov?”

”I knew he was in his office with Major Bounine, having a drink.”

”And what did he say?”

”He couldn't believe it, asked me if I was sure it was true, but I pointed out that, as you can see in the second half of the transcript, the information came from a highly regarded a.s.set in French intelligence who was on the GRU payroll in Paris. It also said the word was that the meeting was going to take place on a riverboat on the Thames for security reasons, but the source didn't know which boat.”

”And what was his reaction to all this?”

Greta paused for a long moment, as if suddenly realizing where things were going, and it was Ivanov who jumped in.

”You heard the Colonel. It's a simple enough question.”

”He was very excited. He . . . he said what a sensation the death of the four of them would make. It would rock the world.”

The silence was so heavy it filled the room, and then Lermov said, ”And Major Bounine's reaction?”

”He said surely you're not thinking of something like that, and Luzhkov cut him off and made an amazing speech about the Wall coming down and the death of Communism and the evils of Capitalism. He kept saying things like 'the Communist order must be restored.' He was quite drunk.”

”And you were still there listening?” Ivanov asked.

”I felt as if I'd been forgotten and asked what he wanted me to do, and he said the moment we knew which riverboat was being used, I had to notify him at once. I got the impression that Major Bounine wasn't very happy, but he told me to go and get on with it. On my way out of the door, I heard Luzhkov say to Bounine, 'We need a man to deal with our problem satisfactorily,' but that was as the door was closing.” She sat there, strangely composed, that edge of defiance again. ”So there you are.”

Lermov turned and raised his eyebrows to Ivanov, who came and put both hands on the table, his face only a couple of feet away from her. ”What do you mean, 'there you are'? That's total nonsense. There isn't a human being in the world who, having heard what Luzhkov was beginning to say, could have resisted holding on for a few seconds to hear the rest. So don't be stupid, and tell the Colonel what it was.”

She came apart, tears starting. ”All right, then. He said we need a man to deal with our problem satisfactorily, a bad man who is also a madman, something like that. It sounded crazy, but, like I said, he was drunk.”

She paused, and Ivanov pushed her again. ”Go on.”

”Bounine said, 'Do you know of such a man?' and Colonel Luzhkov said that he did, and he told Bounine to go get his coat and put a pistol in his pocket and he would introduce him to the man. I closed the door at once and hurried away to the code room. I was worked up by the whole business, so I opened the door to a small balcony by one of the code-room windows and lit a cigarette, and I saw them go down to the staff car park, get in Luzhkov's Mercedes, and drive away.”

”And that was that?”

”No, actually, you should have another transcript in the file. It came in about an hour and a half later from the same source, saying that the riverboat was called the Garden of Eden Garden of Eden and they would be boarding her at the Cadogan Pier, Chelsea, have the meeting, go downriver and disembark at Westminster Pier, and that preparations were already in hand to prepare the boat at Chelsea.” and they would be boarding her at the Cadogan Pier, Chelsea, have the meeting, go downriver and disembark at Westminster Pier, and that preparations were already in hand to prepare the boat at Chelsea.”

”And you forwarded it to Luzhkov?”

”I called him on my mobile but Bounine answered, and I gave him the information.”

”And you've no idea where they were?”

”I swear on my life, I don't know. There wasn't even traffic noises. It had started to rain incredibly that night and continued for twenty-four hours. The whole thing the following day was bedeviled by rain and heavy mist. You couldn't see across the river.”

”And you didn't see them again?” Lermov asked.

”I'd worked the whole night s.h.i.+ft, remember, I needed sleep. I went to my room in the staff block down the road. The two of them just disappeared, as I understood it, sometime in the afternoon. That's all I can say. Look, I'm tired, I need the bathroom.”

”Of course you do.” Lermov got up, and said to Ivanov, ”A word.”

They went out, and Ivanov said, ”This is quite a story.”

”If it's true, I want you to contact Major Chelek in London. She's just told us she didn't see them again after their night on the town because she'd gone down to staff quarters and gone to bed. See if he can confirm that. Also ask him to confirm the question on this slip of paper.”

”I'll see to it. Anything else?”

”Yes, tell Sergeant Stransky to commiserate with her, woman-to-woman, let her have a shower and general cleanup and see that she gets a decent meal and a drink. Have her back here in an hour and a half.”

”What for?” Ivanov asked.

”Because there's more, Peter, much more, and I haven't got time to waste. I'm trying to think of absolutely the worst consequence I can threaten her with. I'll let you know when I've decided what it is.”

Ivanov said with awe, ”I'm beginning to think I don't know you at all, sir.”

”Frequently, I think I don't know me,” Lermov said. ”But, for now, I'm going back to the office, where, with luck, the old tea lady may be operating.”

And she was there, still plying her trade. He purchased two ham sandwiches made with rough black peasant bread, had scalding tea in a tall gla.s.s, and sat in the office and went through the loose file from beginning to end, feeling already that he almost knew it by heart.

Academic work was all he'd had time for when it came to writing books, but he loved fiction at any level, had considered it an essential part of his work in the intelligence field. It had taught him that individuals were what they were, could continue to act only in that way, so that it was possible to tell in advance exactly how they would behave in any given situation. He was absolutely certain that applied to Greta Bikov.

The door opened, and he glanced up. Ivanov moved in and dropped a transcript on the desk. ”How the h.e.l.l did you know? When you leave the code room, you sign out if you are junior staff. You also sign out at the front door of the Just down the road are staff quarters, and you sign in there and sign out when you leave and sign in again at the Here's the answer to your query, too.”

”Stupid, stupid girl.” Lermov sighed as he read it all.

”What are you going to do with her?”

”Make her tell the truth,” Lermov said. ”All of it.”

Greta was standing by the desk when they went in, Stransky and her colleague on either side of the door, and she looked renewed again, her hair bound, a touch of lipstick, trim and attractive in her uniform. by the desk when they went in, Stransky and her colleague on either side of the door, and she looked renewed again, her hair bound, a touch of lipstick, trim and attractive in her uniform.

”Sit down, Lieutenant. I trust you feel refreshed?”

”Of course, Colonel, you've been very kind.”

”And you've been very stupid,” he said softly, took off his, and polished them.

”What is this?” She was angry now, and allowing it to get the better of her.

”You lied to me. You didn't go off to the hostel to go to bed. The only place you booked out of when a colleague took over was the code room. We've been on to London and had your comings and goings checked.”

She was thoroughly unsure now. ”I was in the canteen.”

”Enough of this. I'll tell you what you are. A tramp who has shared the bed of an infatuated fool who's indulged you at every turn. You stuck your nose into everything, indulged yourself by perusing doc.u.ments that were eyes-only or most-secret, listened in on his telephone calls. Oh, yes, I've had that aspect of Luzhkov's office and the outer office checked by GRU in London. There are three different systems linking both offices that would allow someone to eavesdrop.”