Part 8 (1/2)
”You can't very well miss it if you foller your nose,” said the old man, hurt by the interruption.
Through the iron gates Gertie saw two figures coming around the curve of the gravelled carriage-way; she took ambush hurriedly near to an oak tree. Henry's voice could be heard, with an occasional remark from Miss Loriner. ”And if I promise to wors.h.i.+p you all my life,” Henry was saying, ”will you then give me my heart's desire?” His companion did not reply; he repeated the last words. ”You must first,” she said, ”make a name in the world, and show yourself worthy of a woman's love.”
They turned as they reached the gates, and when Henry next spoke his remarks did not reach the girl near the oak tree.
”And haven't you been a time!” complained Miss Radford. ”Over a hower altogether, according to my watch. And I'm simply dying for a cup of tea. There's only been one young gentleman who waved his hand to me; I was so cross that I didn't wave back. Whatever are you dodging up to now?”
”I'm going to hire a boat,” said Gertie, ”and take you out on the river.”
”You can't row.”
”Some one learnt me--taught me on the lake in Regent's Park.”
Miss Radford declared, on the journey home, that she envied her friend's good spirits; in her own case, she always found that if she became more than ordinarily cheerful she inevitably paid for it by subsequent depression. Gertie recommended her to adopt the method of not magnifying grievances; if you wanted to view trouble, you could take, but you should be careful to hold them the wrong way round. The studious youths entered the compartment at Goring, their books now put away in pockets, and similarly cheered by exercise; one, seated opposite Gertie, touched her foot with his shoe at Pangbourne, and she took no notice. When he did this again at Tilehurst, she came down heavily upon his toes, and gave, for her clumsiness, an apologetic word that he accepted sulkily. Near to Paddington, Miss Radford mentioned that, in her opinion, men were most frightfully stupid, and to her surprise Gertie agreed.
Gertie Higham relieved her aunt from duty in the shop, and a letter brought by the postman at nine o'clock was handed over the counter to her direct; the official recommended her to accept the offer, and put the young gentleman out of his misery. The communication was written in a large hand, about twelve words to a page, and liberally underlined. Printed in the corner were a telegraphic address, a telephone number, directions concerning nearest railway station. For heading, Morden Place, Ewelme.
”DEAR MISS HIGHAM,--We shall be so glad if you can pay us a visit on Friday next and stay over for the week-end. _Dear_ Henry is _particularly_ anxious that you should be here on evening_.
”What a _wonderful_ summer we are having!!!--Yours _sincerely_,
”MYRA DOUGLa.s.s.”
The girl found a sheet of the best notepaper on the shelves, and wrote at once.
”DEAR LADY DOUGLa.s.s,--I shall not be able to come to you next Friday.
I am rather busy.
”It is indeed a capital summer. I am enjoying it.--Yours sincerely,
An easy matter to obtain a full list of other manufacturers in the same line of business, and when Madame entrusted her with important errands,--
”I'm sending you, my dear, because I know I can rely upon you!”
--Then advantage was taken of the opportunity to skip up a staircase and, opening a door that had the word ”Inquiries” painted upon it, set upon the task of routing the defence, to obtain an interview with some responsible individual. Usually the answer was that no vacancy existed, but this did not prevent a brief cross-examination. Why was she leaving Great t.i.tchfield Street, and was it because there did not exist a sufficient amount of work, and had Hilbert's secured any important contracts lately, and had the firm any special work in view?
To which questions Miss Higham replied with caution and reserve, so that frequently the responsible individual came out of his office, walking with her down the stairs in the endeavour to obtain useful information. As a rule, the discussion ended with a command that she should look in again when it chanced she was pa.s.sing by. At Great t.i.tchfield Street, when Miss Rabbit and Gertie happened to be, for the moment, alone, the forewoman begged her in a low, confidential whisper not to put off till to-morrow anything she could do to-day, adding that procrastination was the thief of time.
”The fact is,” said Miss Rabbit, with a burst of private candour, ”I don't care what happens so long as you are safe. Very strange, isn't it, dear?”
It seemed to the perplexed girl, at this period, that life was made up of incidents which could not be spoken about freely. There was no one with whom she could share the knowledge acquired at Wallingford; that had to be endured alone. At Praed Street she found her aunt gazing at her curiously, sometimes beginning a sentence, and stopping, as one fearful of trespa.s.sing on prohibited ground. When Mr. Trew called, he and Mrs. Mills conferred in undertones, breaking off when the girl came near, and speaking, in an unconvincing way, of an interesting murder in South London; Trew thought the police could find the missing man if they only went the right way about it. Great t.i.tchfield Street, from eight o'clock in the morning till nearly eight at night, appeared to be enveloped in a dense fog, with Madame showing none of the distraction of mind natural to one on the edge of a financial crisis, and Bunny conveying friendliness by nods and furtive winks; the girls, as always, chattered freely of their small romances, not concealing their derisive att.i.tude towards young men, excepting as means of escort and paymasters where sweets and tram-tickets were involved; any slackening of attention in these details, and dark hints were given of an intention of giving the sack. Listening, Gertie came to the conclusion that her own case was unique, in that she had allowed Henry Dougla.s.s to a.s.sume the position of autocrat. One of the men who worked the netting machine spoke to her exultantly of wisdom in managing his wife; the method adopted was, it seemed, to contradict every blessed thing she said.
On the top of all this comes Frederick Bulpert, encountered near Queen's Hall one evening at five minutes to eight, trying to make up his mind whether to spend a s.h.i.+lling on a promenade concert or to disburse the money on a steak--Bulpert very glad to meet Gertie, because he has something to say to her that he cannot speak of to any one else; something which must be regarded (says Frederick) as strictly _entre nous_. A spot of rain, and the stout young man says with a reckless air, ”Oh, come on in!” and Gertie agrees to accompany him, with two provisions: first, that she shall be allowed to pay for herself; second (because aunt has a new trick of requiring every minute between Great t.i.tchfield Street and Praed Street to be accounted for), that Frederick will see her home later to the shop. Gertie thinks a dose of music will do her as much good as anything.