Part 9 (1/2)
But in the midst of all these conflicts, while every province in France was convulsed with civil war, the king, reckless of the woes of his subjects, rioted in all voluptuous dissipation. He was accustomed to exhibit himself to his court in those effeminate pageants in which he found his only joy, dressed in the flaunting robes of a gay woman, with his bosom open and a string of pearls encircling his neck. On one occasion he gave a fete, when, for the excitement of novelty, the gentlemen, in female robes, were waited upon by the ladies of the court, who were dressed in male attire, or rather undressed, for their persons were veiled by the slightest possible clothing. Such was the corruption of the court of France, and, indeed, of nearly the whole realm in those days of darkness. Domestic purity was a virtue unknown.
Law existed only in name. The rich committed any crimes without fear of molestation. In the royal palace itself, one of the favorites of the king, in a paroxysm of anger, stabbed his wife and her waiting-maid while the unfortunate lady was dressing. No notice whatever was taken of this b.l.o.o.d.y deed. The murderer retained all his offices and honors, and it was the general sentiment of the people of France that the was committed by the order of the sovereign, because the lady refused to be entirely subservient to the wishes of the dissolute king.
Formation of the league.--Politics in the pulpit.--The League.--Object of the League.--The oath.--Influence of the League.--Its extension.--Vast power of the League.--Alarm of the Protestants.--Adroit measures of Henry III.--Embarra.s.sment of the Leaguers.--Excommunication of Henry IV.--Bold retort.--Edict of Nemours.--Anguish of Henry of Navarre.--Death of Francis.--Redoubled energies.--Toleration.--The challenge.--Efforts to raise an army.--The Leaguers baffled.--The hostile meeting.--Appearance of the two armies.--The charge.--Penitence of Henry of Navarre.--Extraordinary scene.--The battle of Coutras.--The victory.--Exultation of the troops.--Magnanimity of Henry of Navarre.--Conduct of Marguerite.--Court of Henry of Navarre.--Censure by the clergy.--The flying squadron.--Intrigue and gallantry.--Influences used by Catharine.--La Reole.--Treachery of Ussac.--News of the loss of La Reole.--The recapture.--Precarious peace.--Attempt to Henry.--The humiliated.
About this time there was formed the celebrated league which occupies so conspicuous a position in the history of the sixteenth century.
Henry III., though conscious that his throne was trembling beneath him, and courting now the Catholics and again the Protestants, was still amusing himself, day after day, with the most contemptible and trivial vices. The extinction of the house of Valois was evidently and speedily approaching. Henry of Navarre, calm, sagacious, and energetic, was rallying around him all the Protestant influences of Europe, to sustain, in that event, his undeniable claim to the throne.
The Duke of Guise, impetuous and fearless, hoped, in successful usurpation, to grasp the rich prize by rallying around his banner all the fanatic energies of Catholic Europe.
Henry III. was alike despised by Catholics and Protestants. His brother Francis, though far more impulsive, had but few traits of character to command respect. He could summon but a feeble band for his support. Henry of Guise was the available candidate for the Catholics. All the priestly influences of France were earnestly combined to advance his claims. They declared that Henry of Navarre had forfeited every shadow of right to the succession by being a heretic. The genealogy of the ill.u.s.trious house of Guise was blazoned forth, and its descent traced from Charlemagne. It was a.s.serted, and argued in the pulpit and in the camp, that even the house of Valois had usurped the crown which by right belonged to the house of Guise.
Under these circ.u.mstances, the most formidable secret society was organized the world has ever known. It a.s.sumed the name of The League.
Its object was to exterminate Protestantism, and to place the Duke of Guise upon the throne. The following are, in brief, its covenant and oath:
In the name of the Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, this League of Catholic princes, lords, and gentlemen shall be inst.i.tuted to maintain the holy Catholic, apostolical, and Roman Church, abjuring all errors to the contrary. Should opposition to this league arise in any quarter, the a.s.sociates shall employ all their goods and means, and even their own persons unto death, to punish and hunt down those opposing. Should any of the Leaguers, their a.s.sociates or friends, be molested, the members of the League shall be bound to employ their bodies, goods, and means to inflict vengeance upon those thus offending. Should any Leaguer, after having taken the oath, withdraw from the a.s.sociation under any pretext whatever, the refractory member shall be injured, in body and goods, in every manner which can be devised, as enemies of G.o.d, rebels, and disturbers of the public peace. The Leaguers shall swear implicit obedience to their chief, and shall aid by counsel and service in preserving the League, and in the ruin of all who oppose it. All Catholic towns and villages shall be summoned secretly, by their several governors, to enter into this League, and to furnish arms and men for its execution.
I swear by G.o.d the Creator, touching the Evangelists, and upon the pain of eternal d.a.m.nation, that I have entered into this holy Catholic League loyally and sincerely, either to command, to obey, or to serve. I promise, upon my life and honor, to remain in this League to the last drop of my blood, without opposing or retiring upon any pretext whatever.
Such was the character of secret societies in the sixteenth century. A more atrocious confederacy than this the human mind could hardly have conceived. It was, however, peculiarly calculated to captivate the mult.i.tude in those days of darkness and blood. Though at first formed and extended secretly, it spread like wildfire through all the cities and provinces of France. Princes, lords, gentlemen, artisans, and peasants rushed into its impious inclosures. The benighted populace, enthralled by the superst.i.tions of the Church, were eager to manifest their zeal for G.o.d by wreaking the most awful vengeance upon _heretics_. He who, for any cause, declined entering the League, found himself exposed to every possible annoyance. His house and his barns blazed in midnight conflagrations; his cattle were mutilated and slain; his wife and children were insulted and stoned in the streets.
By day and by night, asleep and awake, at home and abroad, at all times and every where, he was annoyed by every conceivable form of injury and violence.
Soon the League became so powerful that no farther secrecy was needful. It stalked abroad in open day, insulting its foes and vaunting its invincibility. The gigantic plan it unblus.h.i.+ngly avowed was to exterminate Protestantism by fire and the sword from France; then to drown it in blood in Holland; then to turn to England and purify that kingdom from the taint of heresy; then to march upon Germany; and thus to advance from kingdom to kingdom, in their holy crusade, until Protestantism should be every where ingulfed in blood and flame, and the whole of Europe should be again brought back to the despotism of Rome.
The Duke of Guise was the soul of this mammoth conspiracy, though Philip II., the bigoted King of Spain, was its recorded commander-in-chief. The Protestants were justly alarmed by the enormous energy of the new power thus suddenly evoked against them.
The Pope, though at first hostile, soon, with his cardinals, espoused the cause of the League, and consecrated to its support all the weapons which could be wielded by the Vatican. From France, the demoniac organization spread through all the kingdoms of Europe.
Hundreds of thousands were arrayed beneath its crimson banner. Even Henry III. in the Louvre, surrounded by his parasites and his concubines, trembled as he saw the shadow of this fearful apparition darkening his court.
He immediately perceived that he must mount the car or be crushed by it. Adroitly he leaped into the seat of the charioteer and seized the reins. The demands of the League he adopted as his own, and urged them with energy. He issued a proclamation commending the League to his subjects, and announcing that he, to set them an example, had signed its covenant and its oath. The Duke of Guise and his followers were quite bewildered by this unexpected step.
The League had demanded the a.s.sembling of the States-General, a body somewhat resembling the Congress of the United States. The king immediately summoned them to meet. They declared war against the Protestants. The king adopted the declaration as his own decree, and called loudly for supplies to prosecute the war with vigor. He outleagued the most violent of the Leaguers in denunciations of the Protestants, in declaring that but one religion should be tolerated in France, and in clamoring for arms and munitions of war, that _heresy_ might be utterly extirpated. The Leaguers thus found, to their great perplexity, the weapon which they had forged wrested from their hands and wielded against them. They had organized to drive the imbecile Henry III. from the throne. He had seized upon that organization, and was using it to establish himself more firmly there.
The situation of Henry of Navarre was now extremely critical. Pope s.e.xtus V., besides giving the League his Papal blessing, had fulminated against the King of Navarre the awful thunders of excommunication.
The bull of excommunication was exceedingly coa.r.s.e and vulgar in its denunciatory terms, calling the King of Navarre ”_this b.a.s.t.a.r.d and detestable progeny of Bourbons_.”
Henry replied to this a.s.sault in accents intrepid and resolute, which caused Catholic Europe to stand aghast.