Chapter 366 Dinner- Beckys Threat (Part Two) (1/2)

”Mr. Brian Long wants to meet you. Come with me,” the man said coldly.

”Mr. Brian Long?” Daniel asked, surprised. He looked at the man and said, ”You are not Mr. Brian Long's man.”

”Well, if I'm not Mr. Brian Long's man, then who could I be?” the man asked with a sinister smile.

Daniel took several steps back. His face was still childish, but he was a clever boy. He said, ”Don't take me for a fool! I know what kind of man Mr. Brian Long is. There is no possibility that he would want to meet someone like me. Besides, even if he did want to, he wouldn't have resorted to such methods.”

The man smiled cruelly and said, ”Well, you are not that stupid after all...”

Daniel tried hard to keep calm. He looked around hoping to find a way to escape. However, they were in a small alley. It was almost impossible for him to escape successfully.

”You'd better not try to escape,” the man laughed and said coldly, ”because you will surely fail to do it anyway.”

The man took out his gun. As Daniel's face turned pale, the man pressed the trigger, shooting a fine needle into Daniel's arm before he had the time to react. In an instant, Daniel lost consciousness.

The man walked up to him and picked up his limp body. He carried him with ease like a rag doll and threw him inside a car which was parked in hiding. The man made a phone call and spoke, ”Steven was picked up by somebody sent by Edgar. I'm going to bring his little boy back. I guess he would be of some use.”


At M-blue Restaurant

Wing loved the food at this restaurant. The satisfying color, the aroma and the taste of the food went so well with the simple and elegant pattern of the interior. She always enjoyed dining in this place.