Chapter 355 Donst Bury Your Head In The Sand (Part Three) (1/1)
Molly was starting to get heated at Brian's words. She looked away not wanting to see his face. She tried to control her temper but she couldn't so she started to type, ”You grew up with the care of your parents. They loved you. You're so lucky, heaven blessed you. You can do anything as long as you want it. You can get anything you want without even having to lift a finger. We're completely different people and we've led completely different lives. You have no idea what it's like to be me. Who are you to judge me?”
Brian smiled a little, fixating his stare at her, ”Do you think this is my whole world?”
Molly frowned unsure what he was trying to say.
”I was raised with very caring people. Richie, Shirley, Wing, they all treated me very well.” Molly just felt worse with what he was saying. Sensing her emotions, Brian continued, ”If you look at it that way, I am luckier than you. But there are a lot of things you don't know.
I started learning about guns so young - I was just three years old. I started to learn about finance when I was four, managing my own property when I was five, surrounded by killers when I was six, survived Hell Forest when I was eight. When I was there, I didn't know I would stay alive to see all of this happen. I thought I was going to die then. Not only did I have to fight with every single one of my friends there but I had to try and figure out how I would survive. I couldn't sleep at night because I was afraid that snakes might bite me and poison me to death. I couldn't sleep at all because I was afraid of getting assassinated by the same people I was with”
Molly was shocked most especially because Brian was saying all these things robotically as if he didn't care anymore or as if he was talking about another person. At that rate, Brian was already underselling Hell Forest making it sound not as worse as it really was. He continued, ”The first time I went to Hell Forest, I stayed for a month. When I came out, I was wounded and bruised and was so hungry that I felt I could eat my own arm. I was too young then to know how to take care of
“Do you still want to run away after what happened last night?”
Their relationship changes overnight. She tries to keep her distance from him, while he comes closer and closer.
Spoiling her, he gives her everything she desires. His only wish is to keep her around. The whole world is envious of what she has.
“Never rush in a relationship,” she says calmly.
move on from where you are.” Molly remained still, feeling downcast at what Brian was saying. He glanced at her before continuing, ”You were drugged and that's why you lost your voice. But you've recovered now. Because you think you can't speak then your body responds to it. It's just your fear holding you back from ever speaking again.”
His eyes were like daggers, cold and piercing. She could feel the tension coming from his body, he was so serious. She heaved a deep breath to try to calm herself down.
”Mol, tell me I'm wrong. I'm right, right?” A knowing smile formed in his face along with his piercing dark eyes which seemed to see right through her.
Molly couldn't stand how intense he was staring at her so she pushed him away. But the moment she pushed him, Brian grimaced in pain. He placed his hand on his left shoulder where he had gotten hurt before. Suddenly, Brian was bleeding.
Molly's first instinct was to run away but the blood froze her in place with anxiety and concern - her face pale as a sheet. She got mad at herself for having forgotten his gunshot.
”Ow!” Brian groaned, obviously in pain.
Molly was so anxious, she leaned forward, ”Bri...”
She stopped, mouth agape. The grimace on Brian's face disappeared and was replaced with a knowing smile. He pulled Molly into a tight hug, whispering in her ear, ”Mol, your voice is back. You can speak again...”