Chapter 304 Of Jealousy and Requests (Part Two) (1/2)

”She's not coming with you.” Eric raised his voice as he held on to Molly who was trembling at this point. He shot a menacing look at Brian as he led Molly out of the kitchen.

Eric and Molly weren't able to make it past the doorway though because Tony was blocking it.

”Move!” Eric growled. It didn't help that he was way taller than Tony too.

But Tony didn't budge,”Sorry, Mr. Eric, I only answer to Mr. Brian.”

Eric was scornful,”If you still want to keep your right hand, tell him to move,” he threatened Brian who remained still as a stone.

Brian could feel that Eric wasn't going to calm down anytime soon,”Eric, let go of Molly.”

”And if I don't?” Eric taunted.

Brian looked at Molly,”All right, then let's just hope you can really make her come with you.”

Brian signaled Tony to step aside so that Eric could leave with Molly in tow.

”Mr. Brian?” Tony bowed as soon as he saw Brian step out of the kitchen,”Are we going to send someone to follow them, at least?”

”Eric's a big boy. He can handle that.” Brian responded confidently but his face said otherwise.

Suddenly, Brian's phone rang disturbing the suffocating atmosphere of the room. Brian took a quick peek at the caller ID before stepping out to answer the call.

”The results are out,” Sam announced excitedly,”It works fine but there are some side effects. If you allow me more time, I can get rid of the side effects.”

”How much time do you need?” Brian asked matter-of-factly.

”Three days,” Sam responded after a pause.

”Okay, three days then.” Brian approved, his voice still impartial. After finishing the call, he went back inside,”Please tell Vincent to keep an eye on the State Parliament.”

”Yes, sir.” Tony nodded solemnly.