Chapter 77 A Talk Under The Cold Night (Part Two) (1/1)
”If you had wanted Edgar Gu to win the game, then I would've let him win the game. I swear!” He answered Molly's question slowly right after he came back from his earlier train of thoughts. Looking at her incredulous expression, he sneered,”Edgar Gu is too conceited. He thinks the sun comes up just to hear him crow. True, he made a good record during his time in the military. Hitting all the bull's-eyes of moving targets, one kilometer away, during wild gusts of wind is no mean achievement. That I agree. Nobody may even come close to his record in the foreseeable future. But believe me, when it comes to cards and street-smarts, Edgar doesn't know shit from Shinola. He thought that he had seen the sequence of the cards the dealer had shuffled.”
With a little more thought, Brian added,”Well, he might have seen the cards, so he didn't cut the deck.” Talking about that game with Edgar earlier that night, Brian squinted, as if adjusting to light. Strong, scornful emotions showing on his face as he picked up his line,”But, Edgar forgot one important thing. That is, every casino plays its own game!”
With every word of his, Molly's heart sank as she considered the truth of it all. The winner of the game had already been determined. That Brian was the winner and Edgar was the loser. Despite the fact, Molly felt like the game hadn't been over yet while she was listening to Brian's explanation of the game.
A gambler would probably lose nine games out of ten bets.
That was how every casino played the game.
All the gamblers were well aware of that, but they always had a fluky mindset, thinking that they'd be lucky in the next game. They didn't realize the fact that luck was always on the casino's side.
Looking at Molly, who was now apparently immersed in contemplation, Brian grinned with delight. Sometimes, Molly was smart. 'She isn't dumb. She can gather the whole picture from those little details easily, ' he thought.
Suddenly he drew close to Molly, kissed her on the face and briefly got excited when he sensed her body stiffen in fear. Cold beads of sweat started to form on her now pallid face as she considered this invasion of her personal space. But Brian ju
“Do you still want to run away after what happened last night?”
Their relationship changes overnight. She tries to keep her distance from him, while he comes closer and closer.
Spoiling her, he gives her everything she desires. His only wish is to keep her around. The whole world is envious of what she has.
“Never rush in a relationship,” she says calmly.
Hearing no response from Brian, Molly bit her lower lip and, with increasing frustration shouted,”I should have let Edgar win the game, had I known about your cheat. At worst, you would've just lost a game, but your life would be safe!”
Brian was amused by Molly's look. He burst into laughter all of a sudden. Under the dim and changing neon lights, his laughter attracted some pedestrians' eyes.
The Moonlight Street was bustling. Its trademark was the exciting nightlife of that particular street. Pedestrians curiously looked at the couple standing by the roadside. The man was tall, in a well-tailored tight-fighting suit that accentuated his well toned body. His short hair seemed to complement his wild and arrogant personality. He was smiling and gazing deeply at the woman in front of him.
The woman, on the other hand, was wearing a uniform with a logo and artwork of one of the famous casinos along that street, with a coat draped on her shoulders. Not hearing what the woman had said to the man, they could only see the man grinning.
”You are crazy. A madman! A psycho!” Ignoring his charming smile, all Molly wanted to do at that moment was to shout at him in fury.
Frustrated, Molly didn't know why she had to worry about him. They had nothing to do with each other, except for the part that she was his plaything. Maybe what he had just said about his apparently looming fate was right. Molly would be better off if he was gone.