Part 4 (1/2)

'You having fun?' Trace said, pus.h.i.+ng wet blond hair out of his eyes.

'Yeah, I am, actually. How about you?'

He shrugged. 'Just another day of sweat and work. I could be at home doing this.'

She laughed. 'Oh, but it's tropical. Think of it as a vacation.'

He snorted and grabbed a bottle of water, uns.c.r.e.w.i.n.g the lid and downing the contents in a few loud gulps before tossing the plastic carca.s.s in a nearby trash can. 'I could be on a lake fis.h.i.+ng with a six-pack of beers and a couple sheilas to keep me company. Honey, this is no vacation.'

She rolled her eyes at him and looked at Shay. 'Okay, so maybe not everyone is having a good time.'

Relocating to another island later that afternoon came as a huge surprise, but once they did, it all made sense. Where once they'd occupied a crackerbox, now they anch.o.r.ed offsh.o.r.e a gigantic spread of absolute paradise.

Gina had wondered how they were supposed to hide and flush out demons on the first island when they'd occupied such a narrow strip of land with spa.r.s.e trees, barely any camouflage, and no hills to speak of. They might as well have painted a target sign on their chests and waited for the demons to come after them.

This new island was breathtaking, and she suddenly wanted a vacation. Time to hike the impossible hills peppered with tall, dense trees, explore the weathered mountain ranges they sailed by, and dive off the s.h.i.+p and delve into the secret sea caves located on the map Derek showed them.

Green valleys were carved along the sides of the mountains, thick emerald gra.s.s just waiting to be explored.

She'd never wanted to see the sights before, just take time to explore an island leisurely. Now she did.

And now she couldn't.

But d.a.m.n, this this was an island! was an island!

'You'll get your chance,' Derek said in answer to her unspoken thoughts. 'I can see you're itching to get off this boat and investigate.'

'Maybe,' she said, mentally drooling over the scenery.

'You don't strike me as the vacation sort.'

She turned to him. 'What does that mean?'

He shrugged. 'Just that you're not the type to lay around and do nothing but soak up the sun. Bet you're an explorer. You crave adventure.'

'You're right.' She looked out over the island. 'I'd love to backpack into those hills. Look how the clouds dip down over the peaks. The view from up there must be incredible.'

'Maybe you'll get a chance to do some hiking.'

'Really?' Excitement filled her. 'Will the games take us that far out?'

'Can't say,' he replied with a wink.

Dammit. He was good at keeping secrets. He was good at keeping secrets.

As soon as they dropped anchor, they climbed aboard the Zodiac power boat and zoomed onto the white sand beach, where they were shown to their private bungalows, well within the depths of the island.

Even the cabanas here were more opulent than the ones on the first island. This place really was a paradise. A strange combination of rustic and lavish with a true tropical feel. The cabanas were luxurious, with crisp white sheets and bamboo walls, fans made out of palm-shaped wicker casting a balmy breeze over her flushed skin as she unpacked. She scanned the room, wis.h.i.+ng she could strip naked and roll out on the sheets.

A flare of desire struck her at the thought of another body joining her on that bed. Not just any body, either, but Derek. His strong hands skimming her naked flesh, learning the secrets to her body, slipping between her legs and ma.s.saging the aching throb that had been present there since she'd met him.

How long had it been since a man had touched her, since she'd experienced the sweet release she so desperately craved? How long since she'd zeroed in on one specific man to cater to her desires?

Never, actually. No man had ever struck her so profoundly as Derek, had ever awakened her fantasies in such a fast and furious way. She shuddered at the visual of sweat-soaked sheets and writhing bodies undulating in this tropical paradise, sliding her hand between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s to feel the humidity moistening there. She closed her eyes, imagining Derek behind her, slowly stripping the clothes from her body, his lips touching every place her hands touched now. She palmed the back of her neck and lifted the heavy tendrils of her hair, s.h.i.+vering at the imagined feel of warm, masculine lips licking the back of her neck.

He hit her hot b.u.t.tons, no doubt about it. Infuriated her, definitely. But did he ever light her up and turn her on.

The man would be an animal in bed. He'd be the kind to take what he wanted, not like some of the men she'd been with who'd been too afraid to even touch her.

Derek would touch her. He'd demand, ravage. She could already imagine what he'd be like. Hungry to get his hands on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, to slide his c.o.c.k between her legs and take possession of her.

She slid her hand down, desperate to quell the throbbing ache between her thighs.

'You ready? It's time to go.'

Her eyes shot open and she jerked her hand away, turning to see Derek leaning against the open doorway. Her mind was drenched in thoughts of him, her body awash in the sensation of his imagined touch. It was as if he'd stepped right out of her fantasies, appearing there to make her dreams come true. Dressed all in black as usual, he wore a sleeveless s.h.i.+rt that showed off all his muscled areas. She fought to form words, her head still in a daze over this idiotic fantasy or vision or whatever the h.e.l.l it was she couldn't seem to shake off.



'I asked if you were ready.'

'Uh, yeah.' G.o.d, was she ever ready. But what she wanted wasn't going to happen. Sucking in a mind-clearing breath, she headed toward the door, but he blocked her.

'Something wrong?'

'No. Let's go.'

Instead, she found herself staring into a brick wall of broad chest. She forced herself to keep her hands at her sides, but what she really wanted was to explore his body, to touch her lips to his neck and lick his skin. Would he be salty or sweet?

What the h.e.l.l was the matter with her?

'Something's spooked you. Your face is flushed. What is it?'

'Nothing.' Everything. Go away. Everything. Go away. She hated feeling. She hated feeling.

'Look at me.'

Though it was stupid, she didn't want to look at him. It was difficult enough grappling with her emotions and her libido right now, let alone having to make eye contact with her current s.e.x fantasy.

Mind over matter, Gina. She tilted her head back and stared into curious gray eyes. G.o.d, she could get lost in smoky eyes like that. Such depth and mystery in them. His face was a never-ending source of interest to her. She wanted to trace his crooked nose and the chiseled planes of his cheeks and jaw, then slide her fingertips around his full mouth. She tilted her head back and stared into curious gray eyes. G.o.d, she could get lost in smoky eyes like that. Such depth and mystery in them. His face was a never-ending source of interest to her. She wanted to trace his crooked nose and the chiseled planes of his cheeks and jaw, then slide her fingertips around his full mouth.

All while he rocked inside her and whispered wicked, naughty things to her.

Jeeeeesus! She shook her head and stepped back.

'h.e.l.lo! Didn't you say we needed to go?' Maybe if she pushed him he'd want to argue and quit giving her that look like he was concerned. She liked him wanting to beat the c.r.a.p out of her a lot more than looking concerned about her.