Part 13 (2/2)

If regularity in the hours for meals be strictly observed, and the quant.i.ty and character of the meals carefully considered, the system will rapidly acquire the habit of expecting sustenance at those hours, and regularity, like virtue, will be its own reward.

Next comes the question of exercise. Too little attention is paid to this matter, more especially by those engaged in sedentary occupations; yet it is in the highest degree important that the balance between the mental and physical energies should be maintained.

To preserve this balance while the mind is active and the body untaxed, artificial exercise must be practiced, for physical strength cannot be promoted without some kind of bodily exercise. Unused muscles soon become flabby, as athletes and their trainers well know.

The best time for taking exercise is, as stated above, just after the morning bath, and it is astonis.h.i.+ng what results can be obtained from fifteen minutes of intelligently directed exercise each morning. Here, again, regularity will work wonders. It may be a week or two before you will notice any marked improvement in the muscular condition, but you will be amply repaid by the glow of health which pervades the system as the result of stimulated circulation.

Last, but by no means least, comes the matter of solicitation of the bowels. In this case regularity in solicitation will invariably produce regularity in movement The bowels should be solicited every morning, soon after rising, and every night just before retiring. We only wish that we could impress every one of our readers with the importance of this practice, and of the immense benefit of regularity in the pursuance of it. Just as the stomach acquires the habit of expecting food when regularly supplied to it at stated intervals, even so will the bowels respond to solicitation if regularity be persisted in.

Nature is inexorably opposed to caprice. She executes all her processes in an orderly manner, and if not interfered with, with the greatest regularity, and if man will only co-operate with her by strict regularity in the important duties previously mentioned, the result will be a surprise to him in the form of renewed health and vigor. He will have an unclouded mind, and be ready to face the trials of everyday existence with a courage that nothing can daunt.

But Nature demands an accurate accounting. Man thinks but little of the drafts he is continually making upon his vitality, but sooner or later the account will be presented, and payment exacted in full.

There is no such thing as vicarious payment. The debtor must pay in person, and it therefore behooves every man to watch the debit side of his life's ledger, and make a daily balance of his account with Nature.




There are numerous affections of the heart, divided into two organic and functional, the former being the more serious; but it is safe to say that seventy-five per cent. of cases belong in the latter cla.s.s. The most common, and at the same time most serious, of the organic troubles, are pericarditis (inflammation of the heart- envelope), and valvular insufficiency (imperfect closure of the valves). The functional disturbances are (almost without exception) due to digestive difficulties. In the first cla.s.s, if the case is well advanced and the patient past the meridian of life, recovery is improbable, although life may be considerably prolonged. The second cla.s.s of cases can be cured, with reasonable certainty, by removing the cause.


In pericarditis--the symptoms of which are fever and sharp pain under left nipple, radiating to the armpit, use the ”Cascade” daily while the condition is acute; the wet sheet should also be employed daily, the temperature varying with the degree of fever. It is usually the sequel of rheumatism. In valvular insufficiency, which is caused by deposits upon the valves of the heart, the symptoms of which are difficulty of respiration, not much pain, but a feeling of uneasiness in the heart region, and a peculiar sound termed ”the murmer,” to be detected by the stethoscope, the use of the ”Cascade”

will sometimes effect wonders. It arrests all further deposition of impurities in the blood, thus preventing any further acc.u.mulation on the valves, while the increased liquidity and purity of the blood enables it to re-absorb the existing deposits and thus restore normal action. Functional difficulties, as stated, chiefly result from digestive troubles, due to fermentation of food in the stomach and the consequent formation of gas, which frequently collects in large quant.i.ties, and by actual pressure impedes the heart's action. The chief symptoms are shortness of breath, palpitation, and great irregularity of the heart's action; sometimes the heart appears to miss a beat altogether. In such cases, a faithful observance of the formula of treatment for dyspepsia (see index) will accomplish surprising results.


This is a disease of the blood, characterized by a deficiency of and red corpuscles. It is a disease that more frequently affects women than men; the very young and the very old are most subject to it, and especially, if of a nervous, irritable or hysterical disposition Among the exciting causes are defective hygiene, poor diet, want of, or excessive exercise, grief, or other strong emotions. The symptoms are great pallor, muscular weakness frequent pulse, dizziness, breathlessness on slight exertion and fainting. There is another form of this trouble, known as Essential Anaemia, or Progressive Pernicious Anaemia, which almost invariably terminates in death; while in the first form, or simple anaemia, there is no reason whatever for a fatal result, if treated judiciously.


The condition of the blood must be improved, and as the blood is only formed from the food that is eaten, the importance of getting the digestive function into good working order is apparent. Also to supply those elements to the system that the condition of the blood shows to be necessary, all of which can be furnished in properly selected articles of food. The body must be cleansed internally, by means of the ”Cascade,” using it as frequently as the condition of the patient will permit, without unduly taxing the system. The skin should be kept active by frequent warm or tepid baths, followed by gentle friction with a soft towel. A half pint of hot water should be slowly sipped soon after rising, and no nourishment partaken of for at least half an hour. Gentle exercise should be employed, to promote circulation; or if too weak, subst.i.tute ma.s.sage. Eggs and milk should be freely partaken of. The eggs are preferable raw, beaten in milk, if not, then lightly boiled or poached. Milk should only be taken in quant.i.ties of from two to four ounces at a time. Some good preparation of whole wheat should be partaken of once daily for the benefit of the phosphates contained in it, but iron is the element most, needed, and this is to be obtained in the following articles: first and foremost, spinach, then beets, tomatoes, dark skinned grapes and ditto plums.

Lastly, and most important, is the practice of deep breathing to thoroughly oxygenate the blood.


This may arise from various causes, such as the infection of a wound, contact with some irritating vegetable substance like the poison ivy, or by inhaling noxious gases, or handling certain metals, such as copper and lead; but the most common cause is the re-absorption into the blood, through the intestinal walls, of the waste products of the system; in fact, it may be confidently a.s.serted that ninety-nine per cent. of such cases are due to this cause. When it is considered that a virulent poison introduced in the r.e.c.t.u.m has been known to cause death in a rabbit within two minutes, the absorptive character of the walls of the colon may be faintly estimated. True, the toxic substances generated in the body are not so rapid in their action, but they are none the less deadly. It is to this that all skin diseases, together with rheumatism, gout, neuralgia and a host of other troubles, are undoubtedly due.


Clean out the human cesspool by frequent use of the ”Cascade,” thus preventing any further deposition of these impure substances in the blood, and keep it clean by more or less constant use. In acute cases, take frequent Turkish baths, to help elimination by way of the skin, and keep that organ active by frequent warm baths and vigorous friction with a moderately coa.r.s.e towel. Let the diet be plain and moderate, never eating to excess, and drink freely of water, to keep the blood liquid, and practice the habit of breathing deeply, to oxygenate the blood.

