Part 31 (1/2)
”Will you mind your business?” I retorted sharply.
The Oneida had smiled slightly at my sarcasm concerning his name; his eyes rested on the rock behind which I lay snug, stock against cheek.
”I am Tahioni,” he repeated simply. ”My mother's clan is the Onondaga Tortoise.”
Which explained his clan and name, of course, if his father was Oneida.
”I continue to listen,” said I warily.
”Tahioni has spoken,” he said; and calmly seated himself.
For a moment I remained silent, yet still dared not show myself.
”Is my brother alone?” I asked at last.
”Two Oneida youths and my adopted sister are with me, brother.”
”Where are they?”
”They are here.”
”Let them show themselves,” said I, instantly bitten by suspicion.
Two young men and a girl came calmly from the thicket and stood on the bank. All carried blanket and rifle. At a sign from Tahioni, all three laid their blankets at their feet and placed their rifles across them.
One, a stocky, powerful youth, spoke first:
”I am Kwiyeh.[5] My clan is the Oneida Tortoise.”
The other young fellow said: ”Brother, I am Hanatoh,[6] of the Oneida Tortoise.”
[Footnote 5: The Screech-Owl.]
[Footnote 6: The Water-Snake.]
Then they calmly seated themselves.
I rose from my cover, my rifle in the hollow of my left arm. Nick came from his bed of juniper and stood looking very hard at the Oneidas across the stream.
Save for the girl, all were naked except for breech-clout, sporran, and ankle moccasins; all were oiled and in their paint, and their heads shaven, leaving only the lock. There could be no doubt that this was a war party. No doubt, also, that they could have slain me very easily where I sat, had they wished to do so.
There was, just below us, a string of rocks crossing the stream. I sprang from one to another and came out on their bank of the creek; and Nick followed, leaping the boulders like a lithe tree-cat.
The Oneidas, who had been seated, rose as I came up to them. I gave my hand to each of them in turn, until I faced the girl. And then I hesitated.
For never anywhere, among any nation of the Iroquois Confederacy, had I seen any woman so costumed, painted, and accoutred.
For this girl looked more like a warrior than a woman; and, save for her slim and hard young body's shape, and her full hair, must have pa.s.sed for an adolescent wearing his first hatchet and his first touch of war paint.
She, also, was naked to the waist, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s scarce formed. Two braids of hair lay on her shoulders, and her skin was palely bronzed and smooth in its oil, as amber without a flaw.