Part 35 (1/2)

14. Burglar, footpad, highwayman, marauder, plunderer, robber, thief.

15. Calculate, expect, presume, reckon, suppose, think.

16. Celebrated, eminent, distinguished, famous, noted, notorious, renowned.

17. Compel, constrain, force, urge.

18. Crime, delinquency, felony, guilt, misdemeanor, offense, sin, trespa.s.s, vice.

19. Cyclone, gale, hurricane, rain, storm, tempest, tornado.

20. Dangerous, deadly, deathly, murderous.

21. Distracted, excited, feverish, frantic, hysterical, raging, wild.

22. Dwelling, home, house, residence.

23. Educated, informed, learned, posted.

24. Healthful, healthy, nutritious, sanitary, wholesome.

25. Party, people, person, race, tribe.

_B._ Give equivalents for the following phrases:

acid test along the line of any way, shape, or form appeared on the scene beggars description bids fair to become blus.h.i.+ng bride brute force burning issue checkered career cool as a cuc.u.mber contracting parties crisp dollar bill crying need dark horse dastardly deed delicious refreshments departed this life devouring element doing as well as can be expected dull thud elegantly gowned entertained lavishly fatal noose few well-chosen words first number on the program floral offering foregone conclusion fought like a tiger gala attire goes without saying hard-earned coin head over heels hotly contested hurled into eternity incontrovertible fact large and enthusiastic audience last sad rites last but not least led to the hymeneal altar madly in love marriage was consummated mooted question much interest was manifested one of the most unique popular citizen present inc.u.mbent presided at the punch bowl psychological moment put in his appearance received an ovation red-letter day sea of upturned faces select few signified his intention small but appreciative crowd steeled his nerve stern reality talented auth.o.r.ess the present day and generation this broad land of ours this world's goods took things into his own hands tripped the light fantastic typical Westerner under existing conditions

_C._ Correct the following:

1. By his skill as a surgeon he carved out for himself a place and name such as only real human service can claim or is ever likely to attain.

2. Borne on the shoulders of six fat policemen, the body of Patrolman Ferdinand Traudt, drowned in lower Nemahbin lake, was carried to Cavalry cemetery on, escorted by a platoon of twenty-six policemen in charge of Sergeant Edward Solverson.

3. Jim Allen and Silas Watson were connected with the town water main

4. A man adapted to the use of the cigarette is immediately noticed by his nervous actions and his shallow complexion.

5. Elizabeth d.i.c.kerson and Maud Moore have gone east for the heated epoch, and are missing some elegant weather hereabouts.

6. Another Chicagoan fell victim of petromortis yesterday when A. W. Simpson, a mechanician in a fas.h.i.+onable garage at 556 Sheridan Road, fell unconscious in a limousine.

7. Edward McDonald broke through the screen door. His sleeves were rolled up and he singed both arms.

8. A merchants' protective a.s.sociation, comprising the several towns of this and adjoining counties, it seems, could be profitably organized with an object in view of detecting and locating the numerous thieves now permeating the country.

9. Gideon did not select those who laid aside their arms and threw themselves down to drink; he took those who watched with one eye and drank with the other.

10. His voice is a pure baritone and the vocal organs of Mr.

Black must be of exquisite formation as he has resources in singing which command the study of the expert who has to hear all exponents and reject most of them. For softness and power, whisper and swell of tone, Mr. Black possesses resources of exceptional value.