Part 14 (1/2)
=238. Football.=--The following is a typical football story:
It was just as the gray cloaked lads from West Point
chanted in lugubrious measure before the game:
Go-oo-od Night, Nayvee!
Go-oo-od Night, Navy!
Go-oo-od Night--Na-ay-ve-ee!
The Army wins to-day!
They put into the chorus all the pathos, all the
long-sustained notes, all the tonsorial-parlor
chords of which it is capable, and those, as you
know, are many.
And the Army boys, sitting in a fog which in hue
just about matched their capes and caps, called the
turn correctly with their vocal prediction.
It was ”Good Night, Navy!” to the tune of 14 points
to 0.
The youngsters from the west bank of the Upper
Hudson were triumphant in their twentieth annual
battle with the mids.h.i.+pmen from Annapolis by two
touchdowns and their concomitant goals, one in the
first period of play, the other in the third. The
count of games now stands ten for the Army, nine for
the Navy, and one tie.
President Wilson, in a topper that got wet, and with
a beaming face that was sprinkled with mist and
raindrops, watched the fight and stayed until the
final wild whoop from the last departing cadet had
sounded through the semi-darkness that fell upon the
Polo Grounds along toward 4:30 p.m.
Mrs. Edith Bolling Galt, who soon is to be Mrs.
Wilson, was present with her winsome smile and her
white furs and her lavender orchids--fortunately,
you could see her even through the haze--by the
President's side.
And then there were some forty thousand others,
whose ranks in life ranged down from cabinet
officers and generals and admirals to ordinary
civilians, who dug as deep--some of them--as $20 a
seat for the privilege.
Yet, do you suppose that President Wilson or any
official was the hero of the day?
We are as loyal a Democrat as anybody else, but NO.
Or do you fancy that the former belle of Wytheville,
Va., who is within the month to be the First Lady of
the Land, was the person toward whom all eyes were
directed during most of the afternoon?
There were considerable numbers of field
focused upon the white furs and the lavender
orchids and winsome smile. But again the reply
is emphatically NO.
The leading character, the person who ought to
figure away up in the top of the headlines, the one
whose name was spoken more frequently than any
other, was a rough, rugged, short, stocky, right
half-back named Elmer Oliphant, who, according to
Army statistics, is twenty-two years old, stands 5
feet 7 inches in alt.i.tude, weighs 163 pounds, and
hails from Indiana.
Ollie was the boy. Before the first period of the
game was more than half over, there was a fumble by
a Navy back and an Army man fell upon the ball only
eight yards away from the goal line of the
There was the crash of an Army back against the Navy
line, and just a little weakening. There was another
impact of a cadet against a wall that was almost but
not quite solid. There remained about two or three
yards to go.
Ollie was hurled in. He took the ball, sought coolly
for the weakest spot he might find in a line that
was almost impregnable at the moment, and then,
instantly finding what he wanted, twisted his way
backward through left tackle and fell across the
chalk mark for a touchdown.
The way the rest of the Army boys sank their fists
into Ollie's broad back when he got up, you'd have
thought he'd be in no shape for any other position
than lying flat upon a stretcher. But he came calmly
away from the tumult of congratulation, and as soon
as he could kick the mud from between his
shoe-cleats he booted the ball over the cross-bar
for a goal.
Throughout the rest of that period, and throughout
all the next, we may skip Ollie. All he did was run
around ends for distances varying from five to
twenty yards, and plunge through the Annapolis line
with from two to four men attached to his neck,
arms, legs and back, and tear up, despite these
handicaps, more earth than one of those tractor
ploughs the Flivver Man is going to put on the
market after he settles the European war.
Jump to the third session of the game. This was
scarcely under way before a long forward pa.s.s from
the Navy was grabbed on the Annapolis 45-yard line
by McEwen, the agile West Point center. He ran it
back twenty-five yards and when the ball finally
came to rest on the muddy field with half a dozen
Middies piled atop of Mac, it reposed just back of
the Navy goal-line.
Gray dominated throughout the day, physically as
well as sentimentally. If ever there was a sodden,
cheerless, disheartening afternoon for the battle of
the two arms of the service, yesterday was the one.
Luck is with the boys, usually. The golden suns.h.i.+ne
usually glints off the gold of braid and b.u.t.tons.
The nicest looking girls that ever a.s.sembled within
the confines of any particular area of s.p.a.ce turn
out and smile and put lofty notes into the
atmosphere with their giddy gowns and hats. There's
snap and verve and pepperino in the very air.
But for the first time in a long while the weather
forbade all this sort of thing yesterday. From early
morning a fog-blanket, wafted in from the Atlantic,
hung over the town. Now and then it rained. And when
you thought maybe it would clear off it rained
again. The good old golosh was brought out of the
spare bedroom closet and placed upon even the
fairest of feet. The old brown raincoat was dragged
forth into the light of day and placed above the
gayest of garments.
No girl was so foolish as to take a chance on the
ruin of her apparel by doing without a moisture
shedder of some sort. And not a general or admiral
or member of a governor's staff or other person
holding the right to wear a uniform was so
intensely proud as to expose his ornamentation
uncovered and take a risk at pneumonia.
It was, as a matter of fact, a pretty drab-looking
crowd that began to file into the Polo grounds a
little after noon. You can't get much local color
out of a gum shoe and a mackintosh....
=The Game Play by Play=
It was 2.15 when the navy squad ploughed through the
mud to the center of the gridiron. The Navy stands
upheaved and the mids.h.i.+pmen sent their battle cry
ringing across the field. Almost on the heels of the
Navy squad came the Army players and a great shout
went up from the Army stands. Each team ran through
signals for a few minutes and then the Navy won the
toss and chose the east goal.
Coffin put the ball into play at 2:20 when he kicked
off to the Navy. Craig caught the ball on his
25-yard line and ran it back ten yards before he was
hurled into the mud. Davis tore off seven yards
through the right side of the Army line and Westphal
skirted the Army's left end for ten yards and a
first down.
Here the Army forwards held and crushed the Navy
back a yard. On the next down the mids.h.i.+pmen punted,
but gained only five yards. Oliphant tried an end
run from a kick formation, but failed to gain, and
the Army punted, Coffin driving the ball to the
Navy's 43-yard line.
Westphal fought a path for five yards, but then the
Army defense held, and Von Heimberg kicked to
Gerhardt on the Army's 10-yard line. The cadet
quarterback flashed back thirty yards before he was
driven out of bounds and brought to earth. A stab at
the line failed to gain for the cadets and Coffin
punted to Craig.
The ball sailed far down the field and the Navy
quarterback had to run back a few yards to get under
it. But he did not get back quite far enough. As the
ball dropped he saw he had misjudged it and threw
his arms up to grasp the pigskin. His fingers
clutched at it, slipped off, and the ball dropped to
the gridiron as the Army forwards swooped down the
Capt. Weyand was in the lead and his greedy fingers
s.n.a.t.c.hed the ball before Craig could get his
bearings. It was the Army's ball and only eight
yards from a touchdown. The mids.h.i.+pmen chorused to
the Navy line to hold. And the line did its best,
but its best was not good enough to throw back the
Army's battering attack. Oliphant jammed his way two
yards and on the next play drove through the
desperately fighting Navy line within a few feet of
the goal line.
Here the Navy showed a flash of power that sent the
mids.h.i.+pmen to frenzied shouting. Oliphant on his
third smash into the line was hurled back for a yard
loss. The next try made the fourth down and with the
cadet band blaring and the cadets shouting
themselves hoa.r.s.e Oliphant made his fourth drive
against the Navy forwards.
It was a lunge that carried the concentrated power
of the Army eleven yards behind it and it spelled a
touchdown for the cadets. Oliphant with several Navy
players clutching him stormed well over the line for
the first score of the game. He promptly kicked the
goal from touchdown and the scoreboard read: Army 7,
Navy 0.
This was the signal for the Army to break into the
song, ”Good Night, Navy.” They were still singing
when Coffin kicked off for the Army....[28]
[28] Joseph J. O'Neil in the _New York World_, November 28, 1915.
This story may be examined critically--and imitated--for its excellence in centering the reader's interest upon the football hero, Oliphant,--a stroke which gives the article almost a short story unity of impression.
The writer's s.h.i.+ft from the game and the crowd to Oliphant is somewhat rough--note, for instance, ”We are as loyal a Democrat as anybody else, but NO,”--but otherwise the story is good.
=239. Getting Players' Names.=--When reporting a football game, one can best follow and take notes on the plays by knowing the players by number. In big games this is made easy by the numerals on the football men's backs. On the smaller elevens this is not done, a difficulty which the reporter can overcome, however, by numbering the positions according to the regulation lineup. Thus:
5.LE RE.11 2.LHB 6.LT RT.10 RHB.3 7.LG RG. 9 1.FB 4.QB 8. C C. 8 QB.4 FB.1 9.RG LG. 7 3.RHB 10.RT LT. 6 LHB.2 11.RE LE. 5
Then in taking running notes during the game, one has to write only, ”4 around 5 10 yds.,” ”2 through 7-8 to 20-yd. line,” etc., filling in the names of the players after each half.
=240. Basket-ball.=--The accepted method of reporting a basket-ball game is much like that of football. Because in basket-ball the scores run high and the relative standings of the opposing teams are constantly s.h.i.+fting, it is customary in detailed accounts to give the exact score of each team at the end of every quarter. The following is a terse story of a game:
The Boys' High School captured the city basketball
champions.h.i.+p of the Public Schools Athletic League
by defeating the Bushwick High School on the
former's court yesterday by a score of 18 to 17. It
was the second defeat sustained by Bushwick, the
other reverse being administered by Eastern
District, which, however, was downed by Boys' High.
The ending was a sad one for the Bushwick team.
The Bushwick team showed good sportsmans.h.i.+p by
failing to enter a protest when it was alleged that
the final whistle was blown ten seconds too soon.
The matter was put before Mr. Aldinger, the referee,
who decided the game officially ended.
Boys' High came through with a strong finish. At the
opening of the game it scored four points before
Bushwick finally entered the scoring column. The
game was bitterly fought until the end of the first
half, which found Boys' High holding an average of 6
to 4.
In the second half Bushwick launched an attack that
soon placed it in front by a score of 15 to 9. Boys'
High then carried the fight into the enemy
territory, and, with successive field goals by
Bolotovsky, Gindee and Bonoff, the score was tied at
The score then seesawed until Bolotovsky shot the
winning point with a free goal from the foul line.
The line-up follows:
Fd.g Fl.g. P.
Fd.g Fl.g. P.
Bolotovsky, rf 4 4 12
Robinson, rf 2 0 4
Gindee, lf 1 0 2
Edelstein, lf 2 3 7
Bonoff, c 2 0 4
Cherry, c 3 0 6
Brown, rg 0 0 0
Dorff, rg 0 0 0
Ratner, lg 0 0 0
Billig, lg 0 0 0
Totals 7 4 18
Totals 7 3 17
Referee--Aldinger, H. S. of Commerce. Time of
halves, 15 minutes each.[29]
[29] _New York Tribune_, March 4, 1917.
In reporting a basket-ball game it is difficult to record the plays accurately unless one knows the contestants or they are numbered. The men s.h.i.+ft their positions too quickly and constantly. To be accurate, the reporter should have a seat next to the scorer or else between two students or friends of the opposing players, so that whichever side makes a basket or an error, the reporter can get the player's name instantly.
=241. Track.=--Reporting a track meet is easier than baseball, football, or basket-ball since the events are run off slowly and all the results are announced to the grandstand. The following story of the 1917 meet of the Intercollegiate a.s.sociation of America at Philadelphia is a good ill.u.s.tration:
Cornell and Yale, as usual, shared the top honors at
the third annual indoor track and field meet of the
Intercollegiate a.s.sociation of America, held last
night before a crowd of 6,000 persons at the
Commercial Museum in this city. The feature event of
the early part of the program was a three-lap relay
race between the Ithacans, Pennsylvania and State
College. Crim, who ran anchor for Cornell over the
last 538 yards, beat Scudder, of Penn, by an inch,
the Quaker falling under the tape exhausted. In this
event Cornell hung up a new record for the
collegiate indoor meets by covering the three laps
in four minutes, twenty seconds, two seconds better
than last year, when Penn won.
In the six-lap relay race, where each of the men ran
1056 yards, Yale romped home an easy winner, John
Overton beating Marion s.h.i.+elds, of Penn State, with
yards to spare. Pennsylvania, the third team
entered, finished in that position.
Yale sent an army of star timber-toppers down for
the fifty-yard high hurdle event. John V. Farwell,
captain of the Eli's track team, equaled the
American amateur indoor record by covering the
distance in seven seconds.
Richards, of Cornell, won individual honors in the
sixteen-pound shot-put with a throw of 42 feet,
8-3/10 inches, while Cornell's team average was 40
feet, 2-3/10 inches.
The Cornell entries in the late events swept
everything before them. Coach Jack Moakley's
long-distance runners won the twelve-lap relay in
the fast time of 22 minutes, 7-2/5 seconds, beating
last year's record of 23 minutes, 13-4/5 seconds.
The Ithacans also cleaned up in the running broad
jump with a team average of 20 feet, 9 and 1/16
inches. Culbertson carried off the individual honors
with a leap of 21 feet, 3 and 3/4 inches.
The graduate relay race proved the most interesting
event on the card. When the anchor men of Penn,
Dartmouth, and Cornell started on the last four laps
Riley, of Dartmouth, was leading ”Ted” Meredith by
fifteen yards, with Caldwell, the former Ithacan,
trailing five yards in the rear of Meredith. Penn's
former captain brought the crowd to its feet by
overtaking Riley in the last ten yards. No time was
taken. Summaries:
Three-lap relay race--Won by Cornell (Shelton,
Windnagle, Acheson, Crim); second, Penn (Lennon,
Walker, Dorsey, Scudder); third, Penn State
(Whiting, Krall, Enoch, Cottom). Time, 4 min., 20
sec. (New indoor collegiate record).
50-yard hurdles--Won by Yale (Rodman, Davis, Offutt
and Farwell), 14 points; second, Cornell (J. M.
Watt, Cleminshaw, Pratt and Elsas), 10 points;
third, Princeton (Crawford, H. R. Watt, Erdman, and
Buzby), 6 points.
Six-lap relay--Won by Yale (Rolfe, Ireland, Cooper
and Overton); second, Penn State (Shea, Foster,
Whiting and s.h.i.+elds); third, Pennsylvania (Norriss,
Price, Scudder and Humphreys). Time, 9 min., 59-4/5
16-pound shot-put--Won by Cornell (Richards, 42 ft.
8-3/10 in.; Gillies, 39 ft. 11-1/2 in.; Howell, 41
ft. 5 in.; Schoof, 36 ft. 10-7/8 in.), team average,
40 ft. 2-3/10 in.; second, Princeton (Sinclaire, 44
ft. 9-1/2 in.; Cleveland 41 ft. 1-3/8 in.; Nourse,
34 ft. 8 in.; Ginnert 35 ft. 1-1/4 in.), team
average, 38 ft. 6-8/10 in.; third, Penn (Wray, 30
ft. 10-1/4 in.; Paul, 32 ft. 3-3/4 in.; Royer,
31 ft. 5-5/8 in.; Swann, 32 ft. 2-3/4 in.), team
average, 31 ft. 6-5/10 in.
Running broad jump--Won by Cornell (Culbertson, 21
ft. 3-3/4 in.; Richards, 21 ft. 1/2 in.; Shackelton,
20 ft. 10-1/2 in.; Harrison, 19 ft. 9-1/2 in.), team
average, 20 ft. 9-1/16 in.; second, Pennsylvania
(Jones, 20 ft. 10-3/4 in.; Bertolet, 20 ft. 7 in.;
Buckholtz, 20 ft. 1/2 in.; Walter 19 ft. 9 in.),
team average, 20 ft. 3-13/16 in. No third team.[30]
[30] _Philadelphia Public Ledger_, March 4, 1917.
=242. Golf.=--In reporting golf matches probably the best method is to lead with rather a full summary--a half-dozen paragraphs if necessary--telling the results, the character of the playing, the kind of weather, the condition of the links, and something about the compet.i.tors, then to follow with a detailed story of the game hole by hole. In the following story note that the length, the par, and the relative standing of the players is given on each hole. Note too that a numerical summary is made every nine holes.
Charles Evans, Jr., of the Edgewater Golf Club,
twice winner of the Western amateur golf
champions.h.i.+p, to-day defeated Ned Sawyer of the
Wheaton Golf Club 2 and 1 in the semi-final match
for the great All-Western t.i.tle. To-morrow Evans
will meet in the 36-hole finals James Standish, Jr.,
of the Detroit Golf Club, whom he defeated for the
same t.i.tle last year at the Kent Country Club.
Standish won his way into the finals by defeating
H. P. Bingham, of the Mayfield Club, to-day in a
lop-sided contest, the match ending on the thirtieth
green, 7 and 6.
The Evans-Sawyer duel to-day was a grueling struggle
and from all points one of the greatest in the
history of the Western cla.s.sic. It sparkled like
carbonated water as compared with the rather flat
matches of yesterday.
Fought in balmy weather under almost perfect
conditions, the contest afforded, from start to
finish, plenty of thrills to the gallery of 2,000
followers. Old timers conceded it the best match
ever fought on Ohio soil. Each player had 74 in the
morning, while Evans had approximately 72 in the
Fourteen of the thirty-five holes were won under par
figures, ten were won at par, and two were ties
under par, leaving only two holes at which both
players were really ragged.
Sawyer shot remarkably fine golf in the out round of
the morning and at the tenth hole was 4 up, but from
this point Evans began to whittle down the lead.
Although Chick got on even terms four times, it was
not until the sixteenth hole in the afternoon that
he led, and the next hole saw him winner.
The score by holes follows:
=Scores by Holes=
=Hole 1 (385 yds., par 4).= Sawyer pulled his drive
into a trap from which he dug only to drop into
another at the left of the green. His chip shot hit
the bank and he was just on the green in 4. Evans
was 60 feet from the pin on his second, but his weak
approach putt gave him a 5. Sawyer took three putts
and counted a 7 for the first hole. Evans 1 up.
=Hole 2 (310 yds., par 4).= Evans pulled his tee
shot, but got a fair lie. His approach pitch was
short. Sawyer got 250 yards on his drive, pitched
eight feet short, and holed an uphill putt for a
win, 3-4. All square.
=Hole 3 (445 yds., par 5).= Two wonderful wooden
shots landed Sawyer eight feet from the pin, where
he missed his putt for a 3 and kicked the ball in
for a 4, one under par. Evans pulled his drive to
the rough from which he made a woeful pull with his
cleek to the weeds guarding the right of the
fairway. He was 20 yards short of the green on his
third and lost, 5-4. Sawyer 1 up.
=Hole 4 (170 yds., par 3).= This hole was halved in
3, the features being Sawyer's 30-foot, downhill
putt and Chick's miss of a two-foot putt. Sawyer 1
=Hole 5 (325 yds., par 4).= Evans was wild again
from the tee, his drive being sliced to the brook
where he got a lie on the slaty bottom. He banged
out a high shot with his niblick, but went over the
green to the rough and was short on his return.
Sawyer was fifteen feet from the hole on his second
and won, 4-5. Sawyer 2 up.
=Hole 6 (515 yds., par 5).= From the high sixth tee
Evans pulled a low drive to the trees. He made a
great out with his mas.h.i.+e, being lucky in escaping
the trees. Sawyer lined out two of his regulation
wooden shots and was twelve feet from the flag on
his second. Evans heeled his long mas.h.i.+e shot to the
right of the green, from which he missed his four
and conceded the hole, Sawyer being dead in 3.
Sawyer 3 up.
=Hole 7 (310 yds., par 4).= Evans left his unruly
driver in the bag and played a cleek shot for the
seventh hole, Sawyer outdriving him forty yards.
Chick's pitch took a bad bound, but stopped eight
feet from the hole. Sawyer's pitch ran entirely
across the green. Evans's putt just trickled into
the cup, winning for him, 3-4. Sawyer 2 up.
=Hole 8 (145 yds., par 3).= Both pitched to the
green. Sawyer putted dead and laid Evans a dead
stymie. In attempting the five-foot slanting putt,
Chick knocked Sawyer's ball into the hole, losing
2-4. Sawyer 3 up.
=Hole 9 (435 yds., par 5).= Both got straight drives
into a driving wind at the long ninth. Two perfectly
played iron shots met with unmerited punishment,
both b.a.l.l.s touching the top of the hill and running
over the fast green into a trap. Both missed rainbow
putts for fours and halved in 5. Sawyer 3 up at the
Evans 5 4 5 3 5 5 3 4 5--39
Sawyer 7 3 4 3 4 4 4 2 5--36
=243. Tennis.=--In reporting tennis matches one may use the following as an acceptable guide. The summary by sets at the end of the story in all probability was obtained from the scorer.
William M. Johnston inscribed his name upon the
cla.s.sic national tennis singles champions.h.i.+p most
impressively yesterday, using a forehand stroke that
left no dispute as to his right to the t.i.tle. The
young player, who two seasons ago was hailed as the
successor to Maurice E. McLoughlin, made good the
prediction by the score of 1-6, 6-0, 7-5, 10-8,
while thousands cheered the vanquished McLoughlin
and the new holder of the highest honors of the
American courts. It was a memorable battle and an
inspiring scene at the climax on the field of the
West Side Tennis Club, at Forest Hills, L.I., when
the two men fighting for a sporting honor, and
fighting with all that was in them, almost collapsed
at the end, and hoisted on the shoulders of their
comrades, with the cheers of the 7,000 spectators
ringing in their ears, were carried from the field.
While the homage paid to Johnston for winning one of
the greatest matches the All Comers' tournament has
ever known in its thirty-five years was sincere and
true, still on all sides there was regret that
McLoughlin, the hero who overwhelmed Norman E.
Brooks and the late Anthony F. Wilding in the great
Davis Cup matches last year, would not have the
permanent possession of the All Comers' Cup on which
his name is twice inscribed.
It was not the same McLoughlin who stood in the
court yesterday that overwhelmed the famous
Australasians a year ago. Time had taken something
from his game, and as ever youth must be served. In
this instance it fairly leaped to its reward. Except
for the first set and the briefest of intervals
thereafter, Johnston was always the master of his
mighty adversary. He knew the game of his opponent,
and as in the ancient days when Greek met Greek, it
was the dynamic power, resourcefulness, and stroke
of Californian against Californian, with no quarter
asked or given. Two months before the two had played
for the Exposition champions.h.i.+p at San Francisco,
and at that time McLoughlin had carried the match
and t.i.tle after five of the hardest sets which the
tournament produced. Then ”The Comet” was on his old
field of asphalt with the ball bounding so high that
he could bring off his overhanders and where such a
thing as ground strokes were unknown.
Probably never in all the years of the historic All
Comers has a player displayed such phenomenal
command of the ball with a forehand stroke. There
were many competent judges present yesterday who
declared that its equal was not to be found on the
courts anywhere....
It was a stroke that stood the test, for no less
than eight times in the fourth set was Johnston
within a point of claiming the All Comers as his own
when McLoughlin made thrilling stands as of old, and
pushed the victory on a little further. When he
moved up to the net in the ever-flas.h.i.+ng rallies all
the power and certainty of Johnston's forehand came
into action. Alert, with the eye of an eagle that
saw every move and the flight of the ball as
McLoughlin drove it at him with all his might, the
younger player whipped the returns into the corners.
He was like a cat on his feet, quick and sure, never
making a false move. There were times when he
nipped the best drives that the Comet sent over, and
turned them back for Repeatedly McLoughlin
overhanded the ball for what to him seemed a certain
ace, so that he relaxed and dropped his racquet to
rest, as if the point were finished. Johnston made
his recovery, however, and sending the ball back
found McLoughlin off his guard and so scored the
The cross volleys into the corners, the spots that
had proved so profitable against Williams on the
previous day, were the chief bit of manoeuvring
that electrified the crowd. As Johnston played it,
it was as irresistible as trying to check the march
of time. He sent the ball into the left-hand corner
of McLoughlin's court like a bolt of chain
lightning. In order to play the ball with any
success McLoughlin usually danced around it for a
forehand shot, which put him wide of the court.
Calmly stepping in to meet it, Johnston crossed with
ever-increasing pace into the opposite corner. It
was run, run, run for McLoughlin if he wanted the
ball. He was on the defensive, and it was a
position, as in all of his matches, in which he does
not scintillate. So relentlessly was the younger