Part 6 (1/2)
=113. Boxed Summaries and Features.=--When a story is unusually long and complicated and the number of details numerous, or when important points or facts need particular emphasis, it is customary to make a digest of the items and box them in display type before the regular lead. Boxed summaries at the beginning of a story are really determined by the city editor and the copy readers, but a grouping of the outstanding facts for boxing is often a welcome suggestion and a valuable help to the sub-editors. If the reporter is in doubt about the need of a boxed summary, he may make it on a separate sheet and place it on the city editor's desk along with the regular story. Types of stories that most frequently have boxed summaries are accidents, with lists of the dead and the injured in bold-face type; important athletic and sporting events, with summaries of the records, the crowds in attendance, the gate receipts, etc.; speeches, trials, and executions, with epigrams and the most important utterances of the judges, lawyers, witnesses, or defendants; international diplomatic letters, with the main points of discussion or most threatening statements; lengthy governmental reports, etc. An ill.u.s.tration of the boxed summary is the following, featuring the last statement of Charles Becker, the New York police lieutenant, electrocuted in 1915 for the death of Herman Rosenthal:
=POLICE OFFICER PAYS PENALTY WITH HIS LIFE= +----------------------------------------------------+
”Gentlemen: I stand before you in my full senses,
knowing that no power on earth can save me from the
grave that is to receive me. In the face of that,
in the face of those who condemn me, and in the
presence of my G.o.d and your G.o.d, I proclaim my
absolute innocence of the foul crime for which I
must die.
”You are now about to witness my destruction by the
state which is organized to protect the lives of
the innocent. May almighty G.o.d pardon everyone who
has contributed in any degree to my untimely death.
And now on the brink of my grave, I declare to the
world that I am proud to have been the husband of
the purest, n.o.blest woman that ever lived,--Helen
”This acknowledgment is the only legacy I can leave
her. I bid you all good-bye. Father, I am ready to
go. Amen.”
Ossining, N. Y., July 30.--At peace with his Maker,
a prayer on his lips, but with never a faltering of
his iron will, Charles Becker expiated the murder of
Herman Rosenthal at 5:55 this morning. Pinned on his
s.h.i.+rt above his heart, he carried with him the
picture of his devoted wife. In his hand he clutched
the crucifix.
The death current cut off in his throat the whisper,
”Jesus have mercy.” It was not the plea of a man
shaken and fearful of death, but rather the prayer
of one with the conviction that he was innocent.
Just before he entered the death chamber he declared
to Father Curry, ”I am not guilty by deeds,
conspiracy or any other way of the death of
Rosenthal. I am sacrificed for my friends.”
Previously at 4 A.M. he issued ”My Dying Statement.”
It was a pa.s.sionate reiteration of innocence, and is
left as his only legacy to his wife: ”I declare to
the world that I am proud to have been the husband
of the purest, n.o.blest woman that ever lived,--Helen
Absolute quiet reigned in the death house at 5.50
A.M. Suddenly the little green door swung open.
Becker appeared. He had no air of bravado. Behind
him in the procession came Fathers Cas.h.i.+n and Curry.
Becker walked una.s.sisted to the death chamber. As he
entered he glanced about, seemingly surprised. His
face had the expression of a person coming from
darkness into sudden light, but there was no hint of
hesitancy to meet death in the stride with which he
approached the chair which had already claimed the
lives of four others in payment for the Rosenthal
The doomed man held a black crucifix in his left
hand. It was about ten inches long, and as he calmly
took his place in the chair, he raised it to his
lips. Following the chant of the priests, he
entoned, ”Oh, Lord, a.s.sist me in my last agony. I
give you my heart and my soul.”
When all was ready, the executioner stepped back and
in full view of the witnesses calmly shut the
switch. As the great current of electricity shot
into the frame of the former master of gunmen, the
big body straightened out, tugging at the creaking
straps. For a few moments it stretched out. A slight
sizzling was heard and a slight curl of smoke went
up from the right side of Becker's head, rising from
under the cap. When the shock was at its height, his
grip tightened to the crucifix, but as the
electrocutioner snapped the switch off the cross
slipped from the relaxed fingers. A guard caught it.
The whole body dropped to a position of utter
Becker's s.h.i.+rt was then opened. As the black cloth
was turned back to make way for the stethoscope, the
picture of Mrs. Becker was revealed. It was pinned
inside. The doctors pushed it aside impatiently,
evidently not knowing what it was. They held
stethoscopes to the heart. Another shock was
demanded of the cool young executioner. He stepped
back and swung the switch open and shut again. The
crumpled body clutched the straps again. Once more
the doctors felt his heart. They seemed to argue
whether there was still evidence of life. Once again
the executioner was appealed to and once again he
snapped on and off the switch. The lips then parted
in a smile. The stethoscope was applied and it was
declared that Becker was dead....[12]
[12] George R. Holmes, of the United Press a.s.sociations, in _The Appleton Post_, July 30, 1915.
=114. Informal Lead.=--The opposite of the summarizing lead is the informal, or suspense, lead. This type begins with a question, a bit of verse, a startling quotation, or one or two manifestly unimportant details that tell little and yet whet the appet.i.te of the reader, luring him to the real point of interest later in the story. Such leads, sometimes known as ”human interest” leads, are admittedly more difficult than those of the summarizing type, their difficulty being but one effect of the cause which makes them necessary. An examination of a large number of these leads shows that their purpose is to make attractive news that for some cause is lacking in interest. Most frequently the news is old; often it is merely commonplace; or possibly it may have come from such a distance that it lacks local interest. In such cases the aid of the informal lead is invoked for the purpose of stimulating the reader's interest and inducing him to read the whole story. And this explains the difficulty of the informal lead. Its originality must compensate for the poverty of the news it presents. It must be more attractive, more striking, more piquant than the ordinary lead. And the only ways of obtaining this attractiveness, this piquancy, are by novelty of approach and of statement.[13]
[13] For an additional discussion of the informal lead, see Chapter XIX.
=115. Question Lead.=--A few ill.u.s.trations of informal leads will make clearer their exact nature. First may be cited the question lead, two examples of which are given below, with enough of the story appended in each case to show the method of enticing the reader into the story.
How long can the war last?
It's a fool question, because there is no certain
answer. But when there is an unanswerable question,
it is the custom to look up precedents. Here are a
few precedents....
If you planned to wed in September and married in
July just to suit your own convenience, would you be
provoked if your dear neighbors immediately seated
themselves and wove a beautiful romance out of it?
Grace Elliott Bomarie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Elliott Bomarie, of 930 Lawrence Avenue, and
sister of Bessie Bomarie, former famous champion
golf player, was not angry to-day. Instead she
laughed the merriest kind of a laugh over the
telephone and said:
”Call me up in half an hour and I will tell you all
about it.”
But she didn't. On the recall (that's the proper
word in this day of equal suffrage), she was not at
home. Mrs. Bomarie was, and said:
”Please just say that Mr. and Mrs. Charles Elliott
Bomarie announce the marriage of their daughter,
Grace Elliott, to Mr. Albert Wingate.”
=116. Verse Lead.=--The lead beginning with a bit of verse is more difficult than the question lead because of the uncertainty with which most persons write metrical lines. The following may serve as a fairly successful attempt:
Perhaps you've seen a jolly tar
A-pus.h.i.+ng at the capstan bar
Or swabbing off the deck,
And figured that a life of ease
Attends the jackie on the seas
Who draws a U. S. check.
His lot, it seems, is not quite so;
Just hear this plaintive plea of woe
That comes from off the BUFFALO.
The sailors rise to raise a wail
Because they say they get no mail.
Will some Milwaukee misses in their spare moments do
Uncle Sam a favor by writing letters to cheer up
some of his downhearted nephews in the navy?
The boys are just pining away from lonesomeness,
owing to the fact that no one writes to them. At