Chapter 16 (2/2)

But even so, it does feel a bit depressing.

But it doesn’t seem like she’s even considering prenatal care as a valid medical technique.

「Thank you for teaching me such a lovely thing. Liliana-chan, what do you want to do once your sibling is born?」

Okaasama asks me with a face full of affection.

「I want teach them all about this world. The beautiful things this world is full of. To teach them the joy of living. For that reason, I need to do more and more studying.」

As I thought, siblings are nice.

Since I lived in a fatherless family in my last life, I was lonely when waiting alone in the house for Okaasan to come home.

During those times, I wondered what it would be like if I had siblings.

I didn’t tell that to Okaasan though.

But actually there was just one time when I said something.

At that time I was a simple-minded child.

A child’s innocence is sometimes cruel.

That’s why I said it.

『Why doesn’t our family have a father? My friends have fathers, and siblings so it sounds fun. Okaasan, Yukari wants a father and sibling.』

If I could return to that time, I want to shut myself up.

Because I said the taboo words.

Hearing that, Okaasan repeatedly said “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” while breaking down crying.

I felt sad watching okaasan cry and started crying while repeating “I’m sorry” as well.

Afterwards, I thought that that I shouldn’t talk about it again.

Well, because of that statement a lot happened and I stopped thinking about that.

But, I wonder what kind of child will be born.

Otousama has s.h.i.+ning golden hair like the sun, and amethyst eyes.

Okaasama has s.h.i.+ning silver hair like the moon, and amber eyes.

I was born, as those two’s child, with Okaasama’s silver hair and Otousama’s amethyst-tinted eyes.

Then, if my new sibling has Otousama’s golden hair and Okaasama’s amber-tinted eyes, we would have split them evenly between us.

It gives a feeling of intimate siblings, and sounds good.

For that reason, come out healthy.

My cute, cute younger brother or sister.

Since learning of Okaasama’s pregnancy, I’ve been focusing completely on supporting the childbirthing.

The first thing I was looking out for, was meals.

Currently, Oliviria Manor’s cuisine is based around sodium restriction.

But without any salt the food would taste bland, so instead lemon juice and the umami in the broth is used to mimic its taste.

And since it would be pitiful to force only Okaasama to go through sodium restriction, we are all undertaking a low sodium diet.

Everyone is following along without complaining.

At the beginning Okaasama’s portion was cooked separately from everyone else’s, but “Please don’t just make Madame go through with it, make all of ours the same way” was the general consensus of the people who work at the Oliviria Manor.

That’s why everyone gets the same food.

Okaasama is really loved.

Aside from that, vegetables high in beta-carotene and fruits, legume grain seeds, liver, dairy products and so on.

Basically, healthy foods.

They seem like foods that are chosen after carefully looking at the nutritional balance.

Well, as expected the idea of ‘nutritions’ don’t exist here though.

But since the food here has the same form and taste as Earth’s variants, they probably contain the same composition.

Aside from that, Okaasama is to drink lots of water.

We decided in our hearts that when Okaasama has finished her delivery, we would treat ourselves to as grand a meal as we can in our house.

Please wait patiently while looking forward to it.

「Liliana-ojousama seems to be pretty reliable. Earl Oliviria Manor is in good hands.」

「That should be the case, Reone. After all, Liliana-chan is my smart, kind, cute, prided daughter.」

Wai-… could you not go full doting parent-mode right in front of the person you’re talking about.

It’s too embarra.s.sing.

What do you call this type of torture?

「The result of today’s examination showed no problems in the progression. On top of that, there is something concerning that sibling that has been discovered, warranting joy.」

I take on a serious aura, straightening myself up as I get up from Okaasama’s lap, sitting next to her.

Then, the two of us wait for Reone-san’s statement.

「Congratulations. The child of n.o.bility in Madame’s belly is actually not one child but twins.」



No wonder Okaasama’s belly has been swelling more than it should at this stage.

「Ufufu, that is something to be celebrated.」

「Okaasama, why are you so calm?」

It’s a feeling like ‘two for the price of one’, those twins will be born.
