Chapter 11 (1/2)

Maiden of Happiness Liliana 1

This is the beginning of my magic lessons.

The lessons occur in my own room, I move over and set myself next to my desk. In front of me is Sirius-sensei who teaches while standing.

「Magic is the power of miracles. We, the humans were bestowed the power of creation like the G.o.d of creation. What is important in magic is a strong wish, in other words, desire」

I guess it’s, sired by desire huh. (Lili pls…)

「Afterwards, the amount of magical power that an individual has determines the outcome of the wish」

Speaking of which, Mina-chan also mentioned something like that.

「The time the G.o.ds lived with the people is called the era of G.o.d. When the G.o.ds hid themselves only the name Seirulen was left by the G.o.d of creation as his own name and the name of this world. Thus began the history of Seirulen, those who had strong faith in G.o.d received stronger power and were called the beloved children of G.o.d. These beloved children naturally attracted people towards them and acc.u.mulated power which founded the countries. This is what is said in the myths, are you properly remembering this?」

「Of course, Sirius-sensei」

Since I was hearing the myths for the first time, it was a very shocking experience. Especially the blessings of divine protection.

I was an atheist in the previous life.

Rather, instead of atheism, it was more like I accepted everything, like polytheism.

I celebrated Christmas, and also visited shrines.

After all, there was a belief that G.o.d resided in everything.

This is too different from my past life.

「In the case of those that weren’t beloved children, those with strong magical power came together and created or obtained a country. Compared to the common people, these people were the upper cla.s.s, in other words, n.o.bles. This meant that n.o.bles had stronger power and those that were beloved children had even stronger power than those people. This created the situation that the higher your position, the stronger your magical power was. There are also those that are born randomly with high magical power but it is very rare. Magical power is mainly decided by inheritance. Now then, previously I have stated that n.o.bles have stronger magical power, it is said that this Shelfreed kingdom has stronger magical power compared to other countries. Do you know why?」

The royal family of this country has more magical power than other countries? This is due to having a beloved child of G.o.d, which is why it makes sense if the King has strong magical power.

However, other countries should also have the same conditions, why does this country have stronger magical power compared to other countries?

Usually while time goes on, the royal blood is thinned, which would cause the magical power to weaken I believe.

What would need to be done in order to preserve the strong magical power?

That is, to prevent the blood from thinning. Making the royal family inbreed in order to prevent the power from weakening is the only thing I can think of.

「Is it inbreeding?」

「No, it is due to being demi-G.o.ds」


「What do you mean?」

「It is just like it sounds, in the era of G.o.d, the G.o.ddess of beauty, love and fertility gave her divine protection to one boy. This beloved child and the G.o.ddess had a child. That child’s name was Shelfreed, the person who this kingdom is named after. He and his descendants became the rulers of this country, he was a love child born between man and G.o.d…a DemiG.o.d 」

Love child between man and G.o.d!?

What kind of strange answer are you giving here!

That’s not the kind of answer someone would be able to guess.

There’s also the fact that the love child between man and G.o.d is the strongest.

There’s no doubt that they had more power compared to the other kingdoms.

「Being the child of G.o.d, would that not make Shelfreed a G.o.d as well?

Even though he is half human, with the other half being made of a G.o.d he should no longer be human right?

「No, Seirulen is the first G.o.d and the G.o.d of creation, he created the other G.o.ds which are known as the second G.o.ds. Those second G.o.ds led to the creation of the Third G.o.ds or in other words the spirits and humans. We are not G.o.ds. Because the land G.o.ddess of beauty, love and fertility is a second G.o.d, rather than being born a G.o.d he is a semi-divine human」

I guess there are also things that determine whether or not you become a G.o.d.

It seems very complex.

「Having the ancestor being a child of G.o.d, or a demiG.o.d is not something that can be researched and made certain. However, to become a king he may have needed to be a demiG.o.d. It is true that the king of the Shelfreed kingdom has the highest amount of magical power compared to the other countries」

I see.

If that story is true then it makes sense that the magical power is strong.

More importantly, I heard a specific word in there!


Do spirits still exist!?

There’s magic and there’s spirits Seirulen is amazing-desu!!

「Sirius-sensei! Are there spirits in Seirulen?」

「Spirits are everywhere in this world. While the G.o.ds have left and gone into the realm of the G.o.ds, the spirits are still allowed to exist with us because they are not G.o.ds. Besides the G.o.d of creation Seirulen they are the only spiritual beings allowed to exist here」

I wanna see! By all means, I would love to see a spirit with these eyes!

…However, he said that they are everywhere. Even though within the eight years that I’ve been born here I have never even seen one?

「Sirius-sensei, what do you need to do in order to see spirits?」

「Spirits come from earth, water, fire, wind, darkness, light, etc. and exist in a variety of places. However, they cannot be normally seen. They can only be seen by a person that has received a blessing. Just as G.o.d has given blessings to people, spirits can also bless and protect people. This blessing provides protection as well as strengthens and a.s.sists in the use of magic」

「Sirius-sensei, I also want to be blessed by a spirit. What do you need to do in order to receive a blessing?」

Spirits are everywhere, this is definitely the thrill of a fantasy.

I want to receive a blessing, and see the spirits.

With that said, the spirits are a lot like the belief that G.o.d resides in everything.

「The way to receive a blessing is not well understood yet. However, those that do get blessed tend to do great things and leave their names in history. This is both good and bad, the theory behind blessings is that spirits are very fickle in nature and will only bless those that will entertain them」