Part 17 (1/2)

Pool Of Lies J. M. Zambrano 42530K 2022-07-22

Rae deposited her briefcase, cell phone, and laptop on the table, opened the case and took out some papers, a mechanical pencil and a calculator.

”Notice of my resignation as accountant for Mrs. La.s.siter's estate went to Mrs. Bayfield-Farris.”

”Yes, I know. I was just surprised when Fredricka told me we would be dealing with you again.”

Rae fired a look at Sam and was stopped short by his pallid eyes.

”You think I can't be objective because of representing Danny?”

”Not at all.” Sam spread bony fingers in a conciliatory gesture. ”In spite of what's gone on in the past, I think we're all after the same thing.”

A full ten seconds of silence pushed between them before Rae asked, ”And that would be?”

”Justice for Deidre and Kevin. Closure for the family members. If your work leads to that, I support it fully.”

”I have a list of items I'd like to see.” Rae handed Sam a paper from her stack. ”This is just a start and will probably grow as my work progresses.”

Sam eyed the list. ”It'll take some time for the bank to return copies of the check endors.e.m.e.nts.”

”A pity they don't return the actual checks anymore.”

”You have our full cooperation.”

Rae nodded and let the hint of a smile soften her expression as she asked, ”The check to Kevin? Do you remember offhand how long it took to clear?”

”It hasn' far.”

”Has payment been stopped?”

Rae thought she noticed a slight twitch in Sam's facial muscles, a trace of annoyance. Surely he knew that's the first thing she'd be after.

”I'm sure Fredricka has seen to that.”

”She has signatory power?”

Sam shook his head, annoyance clearly visible. ”Mrs. Esposito, with all the recent tragedies that have hit the family, I may not have instant recall on every matter. Fredricka most likely prepared the stop order and gave it to me to sign. Feel free to ask her for anything you need.”

”She didn't seem overly pleased to meet me.”

”Fredricka is loyal to a fault. She and I were both brought on board by Jerome.”



Rae arranged items on the table before her, opened up her laptop as Sam watched, showing no signs of leaving the room.

”Before you leave,” Rae said, ”I'd like to go over a few bases.”

”Fire away.”

”How many checking accounts are there and how do they interface? Who has signatory power?”

Sam explained the structure of the accounts and added, ”Nate, Morgan or I sign all the checks.”

”Two signatures required?”

”Not in all cases. Morgan can sign alone. Nate can only sign disburs.e.m.e.nts under five thousand without a co-signature.”

”No cap on what you or Mrs. Farris can sign?”

”That's right.”

”How about disposing of a.s.sets? Say you wanted to sell this building. Two signatures or one?”

”Correct.” A smirk so fleeting that she almost missed it.

Smart a.s.s. Two if it's Nate and one if it's you or Morgan. ”I think I get the picture.” So much for internal controls.

”I think you do.” Sam's thin upper lip twitched back in what might have pa.s.sed for a smile had Rae not been convinced he was reading her thoughts.

Not that she had a poker face. Never did have.

The stack of ledgers on the table confirmed the suspicion she'd voiced earlier to Veronica. Bayfield Enterprises was a dinosaur waiting to have its bones a.s.sembled.

”I'm sure you knew we'd a.s.sume your records were on computer.”

”Not really. I thought your people would ask for the items on the court order, not charge in and grab.”

”I'm sorry they acted in haste. I'll try not to make that mistake. I presume those...” Rae's gaze traveled back to the stack of ledgers.

”They are.”

”Why?” Rae put a tentative hand on the top of the stack, trying to think of a tactful way to word her question. Dinosaurs and handwritten books of account had been extinct for a long time.

”Jerome's only been gone a year. We have every intention of modernizing, but with all that's happened, that priority has been overridden. You do get the picture?”

Rae felt sweat creeping through her suit jacket. What was she doing in dry clean only again? Her eyes hurt and she hadn't even cracked a book yet.

”I think that's all for now.”

”I'm sure you'll find everything very legible.”

To her relief, Sam edged toward the door. ”I'll get Fredricka started on your list.”

He exited leaving the door slightly ajar. Rae got up and closed it. She could suffocate for a while, and then have an excuse to open it if she heard anything interesting.

It seemed like only seconds later when a sharp rap on the door preceded Fredricka's entrance.

Rae smiled an ice-breaker smile, noting the stack of papers Fredricka was carrying.