Part 301 (2/2)
It was the last thing he saw before pa.s.sion dragged him under.
IT iNFuRiATED EMMA that she kept looking over her shoulder. Almost a
week had pa.s.sed since she'd settled back into the house on the
beach-since Michael and Conroy had unofficially settled in with her. A
rehearsal, she sometimes thought, for the future she was beginning to
believe in. Living with Michael, sharing her bed and her time with him,
didn't make her feel trapped. It made her feel, at long last, normal .
. . and happy.
Yet no matter how content she was, Emma couldn't shake the sensation of
being watched. Most of the time she ignored it, or tried to, telling
herself it was just another reporter looking for a new angle. Another
photographer with a long lens looking for an exclusive picture.
They couldn't touch her, or what she was building with Michael.
But she kept the doors locked and Conroy close whenever she was alone.
No matter how often she told herself there was no one there but her own
ghosts, she kept watching, waiting. Even walking down Rodeo Drive in
bright suns.h.i.+ne she felt the tension in the back of her neck.
She was more embarra.s.sed than afraid, and wished she had called a limo
rather than driving herself
She'd thought she would enjoy looking for just the right outfit, trying
on both the outrageous and the cla.s.sic, being pampered and cooed over by
the clerks. But it was only a relief to have it over, to tuck the dress
box into her car and drive off.
It was pitiful, she told herself, this persecution complex. Emma