Part 250 (1/2)
”Yes.” She'd be able to think if he turned the music off. She'd know
what to do.
”All right, then.” He took a step toward the recorder, then stopped.
”No, I think we'll leave it on. You have to learn to face things, Emma.
I've told you that before, haven't I?”
Her teeth had begun to chatter. ”I am facing them.”
”Good. That's good. Now, the first thing you're going to do is call
that fancy lawyer of yours and tell him you've changed your mind.”
”No.” Fear was storming through her system so that she could only
whisper. ”I'm not going back with you.”
”Of course you are. You belong with me. You've had your little snit,
Emma, don't make it harder on yourself.” When she shook her head, he let
out a long, gusty sigh. Then his hand snaked out, quick as a whip, and
smashed across her face. Blood filled her mouth as she slammed into a
table, sending a lamp cras.h.i.+ng to the floor.
Through a haze of pain she saw him coming toward her. And she began to
scream. He kicked her full in the stomach, cutting off the screams and
her air. When she tried to curl up, he began to hit her, slowly,
This time, she fought back. Her first blow glanced off his chin, but
surprised him enough to give her time to crawl away. She heard pounding
on the door, a demand to open it. She managed to struggle
to her feet and take a watery step toward the sound, when he caught her
”So you want to play rough, Emma?” He began to tear at her clothes,
raking his nails down her skin. Her struggles only drove him on. She