Part 246 (1/2)
sports, turning the page with one hand and pouring coffee with the
Jane Palmer, forty-six, ex-lover of Devastation's Brian
McAvoy, and mother of his daughter, Emma, was found
dead in her London home, apparently a victim of a drug
overdose. The body was discovered by Stanley Hitchman late
Sunday afternoon.
Michael read through the rest of the article. It contained only the
bare facts, but suicide was hinted at. Swearing, he tossed the paper
aside. He grabbed a jacket and signaled McCarthy.
”I need an hour. There's something I have to take care of.”
McCarthy put a hand over the phone receiver he held at his ear. ”We got
three punks in holding.”
”Yeah, and they'll hold. An hour,” he repeated and strode out.
HE FOUND HER AT THE BEACH. It had only been a few days since she had
come back into his life, but he knew her habits. She came there every
day, to the same spot. Not to surf. That was just an excuse. She came
to sit in the sun and watch the water, or to read in the shade of a
little blue and white cabana. Most of all she came to heal.
Always she set herself apart from the others who sunned or walked along
the beach. She wasn't seeking company but was comforted by the fact
that she wasn't alone. She wore a simple blue tank suit, no
flighty bikini or spandex one-piece cut provocatively at the thigh. Its
very modesty drew eyes toward her. More than one man had considered an
approach, but one look from her had them pa.s.sing by.