Part 233 (1/2)

Public Secrets Nora Roberts 11890K 2022-07-22


Brian lay in bed a moment trying to imagine it. He had known Jane

longer than anyone but Johnno. He had loved her once, and he had hated

her. But he couldn't imagine her dead.

Rising, he walked to the window. The sunlight hurt his eyes and churned

the hangover up to blinding. Without thought, he poured out two fingers

of whiskey and downed it. He was almost sorry that he couldn't feel

anything but the pain in his head, dulling now under the coat of


She'd been the first woman he'd lain with.

Turning his head, he looked at the brunette sleeping under the rumpled

satin sheets of his bed. He didn't have any feelings for her, either.

He was always careful to choose women who wouldn't want an attachment,

who would be as satisfied as he by a few nights of s.e.x. The dark,

dangerous, careless s.e.x that had nothing to do with affection.

He'd made the mistake of choosing a woman who wanted more once. Jane

had never let him get on with his life, let him fully enjoy what he had.

Then he'd found Bev. She'd wanted more too, but with her, so had he. My

G.o.d, so had he. She had never let him get on with his life, either. Not

once in seventeen years had a day gone by when he hadn't thought of her.

And wanted her.

Jane had shadowed his life by refusing to get out of it. Bev had ruined

it by refusing to share it.

So he had his music, and more money than he had ever dreamed of And he

had a succession of women who meant absolutely nothing to him.

Now Jane was dead.