Part 222 (1/2)
”Emma. Dammit, Emma, pay attention.”
She jerked when he tugged hard on her hair. ”I'm sorry.” Her fingers
gripped together, twisting, wringing.
”You're such a d.a.m.n fool. G.o.d knows where you'd be without me.”
”I was ... thinking about Luke.”
”Well, save the long face until you're gone. It makes me sick. Johnno's
going to be here any minute to get you.” He leaned close so that his
face was all she could see. ”What are you going to tell him if he asks
how things are?”
”That they're fine. They're wonderful. You're sorry you can't come,
but you felt since you didn't know Luke, you'd be intruding.” She
recited the instructions he gave her like a parrot. ”I've got to come
back straight from the service because you've got a touch of the flu and
I want to take care of you.”
”Just like a devoted wife.”
”Yes. A devoted wife.”
”Good.” It was disgusting really, how cowed she was. She hadn't even
uttered a peep when he'd knocked her around the night before. He'd
wanted her to leave with his dominance fresh in her mind. Of course,
he'd been careful not to hit her in the face, or anywhere it might show.
He intended to give her a proper beating when she got back. Just to
remind her that a woman's place was in the home.
His mother's place had been in the home, Drew thought viciously. But
she'd left soon enough, like the wh.o.r.e she was, leaving him with his
wreck of a father. If the stupid old man had given her a few licks now