Part 214 (1/2)
as it was for her? Would his palms be wet with nerves? Would his heart
be trembling?
He didn't touch her. Didn't dare. But he struggled to find a voice as
casual as his smile. ”It's good to see you.”
”And you.” She fought to relax her death grip on her bag.
”You look ...” Beautiful, wonderful. ”Well.”
”Thank you. I am. This is all marvelous for Emma, isn't it?” She
glanced over, but Emma had slipped away. Walls of people had closed in
around them. ”You must be very proud of her.”
”Yes.” He took a long swallow of the whiskey he held. ”Can I get you a
So polite, Bev thought. So b.l.o.o.d.y civil. ”No, thanks. I'm going to
wander around a bit and look. I may just buy something myself” But
first she was going to find that ladies' room and have a cry of her own.
”It was nice seeing you again, Bri.”
”Bev-” It was foolish to think that she could still care for him.
Emma watched them from across the room and wanted to scream at both of
them. Couldn't they see? It wasn't just her imagination, or wishful
thinking. She was much too good at studying people, and seeing what
they felt. In the eyes, in a gesture, in the set of the body. They
were still in love. And still afraid. She drew a deep breath and
started toward her father. Perhaps if she talked to him ...
”Emmy luy.” Johnno caught her around the waist. ”I'm about to make my
”You can't go yet.” She straightened his lapels. He was into retro