Part 147 (2/2)

Public Secrets Nora Roberts 12580K 2022-07-22

to feel. It was, she told herself, the time to tie up all the loose

ends and get on with her life.

The door opened. Warm air and Christmas carols. The scent of pine and

welcome. With the snow swirling at her back, Emma stared down at Alice.

How odd it was, she thought, to look down at her old nanny. Time had

made her taller, and Alice older. She saw recognition flicker in

Alice's eyes, and the nanny's lips quiver.

”h.e.l.lo, Alice.” Her own lips were stiff as she forced them into a smile.

”It's nice to see you again.”

Alice stood where she was as tears began to spurt out of her eyes.

”AJice, don't forget to give Terry that package if he makes it by.”

Bev came hurrying down the hall, a dark mink over her arm. ”I'll be

home by-” She stopped, the little black bag she held slipping out of her

nerveless hands. ”Emma,” she whispered.

They stood four feet apart with the weeping Alice between them.

Bev felt the pleasure first, the need to rush forward and grab Emma

close. Then she felt the shame.

”I should have called,” Emma began. ”I was in town, so I thought I'd-”

”I'm so glad you did.” Recovered, Bev smiled and stepped forward.

”Alice.” Her voice was gentle as she placed a hand on the woman's

shoulder. ”We'll need some tea.”

”You're on your way out,” Emma said quickly. ”I don't want to disrupt

your plans.”

”It doesn't matter. Alice,” she repeated. The woman nodded and hurried
