Part 113 (2/2)

Public Secrets Nora Roberts 11690K 2022-07-22


”Not on your life.” Marianne grinned, then scooped a hand through her

cap of red hair. ”Let's do it.”

Emma strolled in, pausing on her way across the lobby to smile at the

security guard. ”h.e.l.lo, Carl.”

”Miss-why, Miss McAvoy.” He set down his late-evening pastrami sandwich

and beamed at her. ”It's been over a year now, hasn't it?

You're all grown-up.”

”A college woman.” She laughed. ”This is my friend Miss Carter.”

”Nice meeting you, Miss Carter.” Carl brushed crumbs from the sleeve of

his uniform. ”Does Mr. Donovan know you're coming?”

”Of course.” She lied sweetly, with a smile. ”Didn't he tell you?

Well, that's Johnno. We'll only be staying for a couple of days.” She

moved to the elevators as she spoke. It would be best if he didn't buzz

upstairs and let the cat out of the bag. ”I'm going to school here


”I thought you were going to some fancy university in London.”

”I transferred.” She winked at him. ”You know my heart's in New York.”

As the doors closed in front of them, Marianne rolled her eyes. ”Very

smooth, McAvoy, very smooth.”

”Most of it was true.” She laughed, then let out a nervous breath. ”I've

been eighteen for two months. It's time I tried my independence.”

”I've been eighteen for seven months and my father still pitched a fit

when I transferred to NYCC. Well, it's done. Tomorrow we're going to
