Part 105 (1/2)
The frigging doctors swilled their bourbon. He'd do a line if he felt
like a line. He'd smoke some hash if he had a yen for it.
And f.u.c.k them. f.u.c.k them all.
He tore open the envelope. He was pleased that Emma had written him. He
could think of no other female he'd had such pure and honest feelings
for. Taking out a cigarette, he leaned back on the bench and drew in
the scent of smoke and roses.
Dear Stevie,
I know you're in a kind of hospital and I'm sorry I can't visit
you. Dad says he and the others have been there, and that you're
looking better. I wanted you to know that I was thinking about
you. Maybe when you're well we can go on vacation together, all
of us, like we did in California last summer. I miss you a lot
and I still hate school. But it's only three and a half more years.
Remember when I was little and you always asked me who was
the best? Id always say Dad and you'd pretend to get mad Well,
I never told you that you play the guitar better. Don't tell Dad I
said so. Here's a picture of you and me in New York a couple of
years ago. Dad took it, remember? That's why it's out of focus. I
thought you'd like to have it. You can Waite me back if you feel
like it. But if you don't that's okay. I know I'm supposed to have
paragraphs and stuff in this letter, but I forgot. I love you, Stevie.
Get well soon.
He let the letter lie on his lap. He sat on the bench and smoked his