Part 74 (1/2)
”I'll make you happy, Angie. Look, I know it can't be easy being
married to someone who's part of what I'm part of. The tours and the
fans and the press. But we can make something for ourselves, just the
two of us, that's ours, only ours.”
”I love what you are,” she told him with complete honesty.
”Then will you? Will you marry me, and start a family?”
”I'll marry you.” She threw her arms around him. A family was a
different matter altogether, she thought as he lowered her to the floor
again. But as the wife of P. M. Ferguson, her career had no place to
go but up.
BRim DIDN'T KNow how much more he could take, kicking around the big
house day after day, sleeping night after night beside a woman who
cringed away from his slightest touch.
He was on the phone nearly every day, hoping Kesseiring could give him
something, anything. He needed a name, a face that he could vent his
helpless fury on.
He had nothing but an empty nursery, and a wife who drifted through the
house like the ghost of the woman he loved.
And Emma. Thank G.o.d for Emma.
Rubbing his hands over his face, he pushed back from the table where
he'd been trying to compose. He knew if it hadn't been for Emma over
the past weeks, he'd have gone insane.
She was grieving too, silently, sadly. Often he sat up with her long
past her bedtime, telling her stories, singing, or just listening. They
could make each other smile, and when they did the pain eased.
He was terrified every moment she was out of the house. Even the