Part 6 (1/2)

Public Secrets Nora Roberts 12400K 2022-07-22

”I fixed her up real nice.” There was a whine in Jane's voice now. The

smell of the gin was making her mouth water, but she was afraid to pour

a gla.s.s. ”And I told her it was important to stay tidy. Didn't I tell

you to stay tidy, Emma? I'll wash her up.” She grabbed Emma's arm hard

enough to make the girl jump.

”Let her be.”

”I was only going to-”

”Let her be,” Brian repeated, his voice flat and dull and threatening.

If he hadn't been staring at her still, Emma might have dashed under the

sink again. His child. For a moment he could only continue to stare at

her, his head light and his stomach fisted. ”h.e.l.lo, Emma.”

There was a sweetness in his tone now, one women fell in love with.

”What have you got there?”

”Charlie. My doggie.” She held the stuffed toy out for Brian to


”And a very nice one.” He had an urge to touch her, to brush his hand

over her skin, but held back. ”Do you know who I am?”

”From the pictures.” Too young to resist impulses, she reached out to

touch his face. ”Pretty.”

Johnno laughed and swallowed some gin. ”Leave it to a female.”

Ignoring him, Brian tugged on Emma's damp curls. ”You're pretty, too.”

He talked nonsense to her, watching her closely. His knees were like

jelly, and his stomach tightened and loosened like fingers snapping to a

beat. Her dimple deepened as she laughed. It was like watching

himself. It would have been easier to deny it, and a great deal more

convenient, but impossible. Whether he had meant to or not, he had made