Part 10 (2/2)
Our teachers have also a tery byrecourse to the ordinary expressions, which do not convey an exact idea of the action they see in process of developressing, the child is good or naughty, etc The only phraseology they use is: The child _is beco disciplined_ It is internal order that they await; and on this principle of being or not being, all or nothing depends
This evokes a rowth” To say that a living creature _grows_ is to rows indeed, _but in virtue of the fact_ that, within, an orderly and regular disposition of substances is in progress
When, for instance, the erows; but any one who has observed it internally must have been struck by a fact rowth” A wonderful internal grouping of the cells takes place; some form, as it were, a leaf which folds over and makes the intestines, others separate to forroup isolates and specializes itself to anization of parts, ether with a ement of the cells, is carried on The future functions of the body all depend upon the possibility of the cells so establishi+ng therows_, but that it _coordinates_ ”Growth” coh and by order, which also roithout coordinating its internal organs is not vital Here we have not only the impulse, but the mystery of life The evolution of internal order is the essential condition for the realization of vital existence in a life which possesses the impulse to exist
Now the suical observation” actually represents the evolution of spiritual _order_ in the child
=Guide to psychological observation= WORK--Note when a child begins to occupy hith of ti he continues working at it (slowness in co it and repetition of the sa himself to particular tasks
To what tasks he applies hi the same day, and with how much perseverance
If he has periods of spontaneous industry, and for how many days these periods continue
How he ress
What tasks he chooses in their sequence, working at them steadily
Persistence in a task in spite of stimuli in his environment which would tend to distract his attention
If after deliberate interruption he resumes the task from which his attention was distracted
CONDUCT--Note the state of order or disorder in the acts of the child
His disorderly actions
Note if changes of behavior take place during the develop the establishment of ordered actions there are:
crises of joy; intervals of serenity; manifestations of affection
The part the child takes in the development of his companions
OBEDIENCE--Note if the child responds to the suins to take part in the work of others with an intelligent effort
Note when obedience to a suular
Note when obedience to orders becomes established