Chapter 33 (1/2)

Spirit Sword KIM Jung-Ryul 50190K 2022-07-22

Chapter 33. Knight's Compet.i.tion

TL: Warriormonk

Translator: Isleidir

The carriages and its escorting knights pulled into its destination after a lengthy travel. The base of Hols Mountain had a large clearing that had attracted a lot of people.

People from Tarpan Barony, as well as the representative and his guards sent by the great n.o.ble, were already present.

The knight's compet.i.tion began as soon as Luke's party arrived. An appropriate clearing was made, n.o.bles and representatives were seated, and the knights stood nearby when Viscount Luter, younger brother and representative of Earl Jason stood up and announced the start of the match.

”We will now begin the knight's compet.i.tion for the right to Hols Mountain and its mines.”

The knight's compet.i.tion would go to the side to first win three matches during five matches in total. Both sides were extremely tense, as this was a supremely important compet.i.tion.

A knight's skill is subjective. It means that the outcome of their matches were dependent on their opponent's strength, making it more advantageous to send out your knight after your opponent, since you could gauge the opponent's strength.

Tarpan Barony went first, something decided on by a coin toss, and sent out their knight.

”For the first match, Sir Roy will be fighting on behalf of Tarpan Barony.”

A broad shouldered knight in full armor walked out to the middle of the clearing, his armor s.h.i.+ning in the sun.

Because relations between Tarpan Barony and Nigel Viscounty had always been tense, they had both planted numerous spies throughout the years in order to determine the strengths of their rivals.

Nigel Viscounty already knew the strengths and weaknesses of Sir Roy.

”It looks like we will be able to win the first match.”

Nigel Viscounty sent out a knight whom they knew was more skilled than Roy. It was a practical decision made based on their opponent's strength.

A knight from the side of Nigel Viscounty made his way into the clearing and began to clash his weapons with Roy. Both were regular knights incapable of using aura, so the match was a long and brutal slugfest.

Kwaang! Kujijik. Kwakw.a.n.g!

Armor plates were crushed, blood spilled, and rough breaths spat through the opening of visors.

”Huk, Huk, Huk.”

The match ended after ten whole minutes. The exhausted Roy had sustained a fatal injury, falling to the ground.


Blood spilled from a hole punctured in his armor.

”The first match goes to Nigel Viscounty!”

Cheers arose from Nigel Viscounty's camp simultaneously to the announcement. Tarpan Barony's camp remained deathly quiet.

Three soldiers rushed to the clearing and cleared the corpse from the field.

It was now Nigel Viscounty's turn to send out the knight first, for the second match.

”Sir Aroos will be the knight fighting for Nigel Viscounty in the second match.”

A knight walked out into the field, followed by another knight from Tarpan Barony's camp.

Nothing unexpected happened in the second match, and Tarpan Barony's knight won the match.

Sir Aroos's corpse was also cleared from the field by soldiers. Both fiefdoms had collected one victory and one defeat.

”It's time for the aura experts to fight.” Luke muttered.

It was once again Nigel Viscounty's turn to send out a knight first, and vice knight captain Jeff was selected.

Tarpan Barony had two aura experts, their knight captain Heinlihi and vice knight captain Rick.

Tarpan Barony's side would be saving Heinlihi for battling Lapal, Nigel Viscounty's knight captain, which made Rick their only option.

It was as everyone had predicted. The third match was between the vice knight captains Rick and Jeff.

The match between aura experts were vastly different from the previous matches. Both knights utilized aura to increase their speed and strength to extremes, their movements a blur to most people in the audience.

The knights seemingly ignored the weight of their full plate armor as they ran across the clearing at each other, their weapons blurring as they cut through the air at their opponents.

Kw.a.n.g! Kwaang!

Sounds resembling a crumbling building rang out despite the sounds coming from two swords cras.h.i.+ng. The two aura experts did not try to save their aura and instead poured it without reserve into their attacks.

Aura experts were rather limited in the amount of aura they could utilize to strengthen themselves, however. The first side to run out of aura would lose.

After about twenty minutes, Sir Rick's movements had slowed down visibly. Vice knight captain Jeff had cultivated relatively more aura throughout his tenure. Jeff's eyes shone fiercely as he saw an opportunity.

'I must reduce the force of Tarpan Barony while I have the chance.”

The knight's compet.i.tion was an officiated match, and also a good chance to get rid of one of the aura experts that would prove troublesome in future conflicts. Jeff squeezed out the last of his aura as he increased the ferocity of his attacks.


Rick was on the verge of collapsing when Baron Tarpan chose to forego the match.

”That's enough.”

The Baron threw a white handkerchief to signal his foregoing of the match, and Viscount Luter raised his hand, stopping the match.

”Stop the match! Victory goes to Sir Jeff.”

Jeff looked disappointedly at his breathless opponent.

Nigel Viscounty had now won twice. One more match, and they would be able to win the mining rights to Hols Mountain.  Viscount Nigel's face visibly brightened at the prospect.

Baron Tarpan and his va.s.sals were silent and somber at the prospect of defeat.

Viscount Nigel looked towards his knight captain, Lapal, whose eyes were burning pa.s.sionately.

”Sir Lapal, we are counting on you for the fourth match.”

”Please, leave it to me, lord.”

Lapal gripped his sword as he walked into the clearing.

'My opponent will be Tarpan Barony's knight captain, Heinlihi.'

Lapal had never crossed swords with Heinlihi, but the spies had reported that he would have a slight upper hand.

'I will grasp victory, for my lord and fiefdom.'

Lapal's appearance only added to the somber mood of Baron Tarpan's camp.

Viscount Luter announced Lapal with a flare.

”And in fourth match, Sir Lapal from Nigel Viscounty!”

It took a while for the fourth knight to show up from Tarpan Barony.

'They're not giving up the match, are they?'