Chapter 30 (1/2)
Chapter 30. Meeting With Angela (2)
TL: Warriormonk
Editor: Isleidir
Stefan's head snapped back as he turned back to look towards the sound of people approaching. Stefan had trained in aura cultivation as a child, and had especially sharp hearing.
Two figures emerged out of the forest a short while later. Stefan smiled cruelly as he saw the flimsy chain armors and dirty clothes.
”Mercenaries just pa.s.sing through? You unlucky b.a.s.t.a.r.ds.”
He raised his hand, and two knights under his command mounted their horses.
”Kill them.”
”Yes, Sir.”
The two knights spurred their mounts into a charge as they gripped their swords.
The knights closed in on the two figures.
The two figures that had emerged out of the forest were Luke and Kurotan. Luke was able to a.n.a.lyze the situation at a glance, as he saw the two knights galloping towards them.
”They want to kill us to silence us. It seems that they are trying to cover up some crime.”
”What should we do?”
Luke ordered without hesitation.
”We kill them. Take the left, I'll take the right.”
Kurotan's face brightened at Luke's words.
”An order I will gladly obey. As you wish.”
Kurotan took his battle-axe from his back and kicked the ground.
Kurotan left a small crater on the ground as he rose up over two meters into the air. The knights that had been charging them widened their eyes in shock.
”Wh-What the?”
The knight Kurotan had jumped towards hurriedly lifted his sword in defense, but Kurotan's aura reinforced movements were too much for him to handle.
Kurotan smashed the knight's sword out of the way contemptuously, then swung his axe at the knight's throat. It was at a speed that could not be seen, much less be dodged.
The knight's head rolled to the ground with a chilling sound. The headless body let out spurts of blood before falling to the ground, and the horse continued to gallop, unaware of its rider's death.
Meanwhile, Luke was taking care of the knight on the right. He had jumped off the ground as well, but instead of beheading the knight, Luke had kicked him off of the horse.
The knight tried to recover from his fall, but Luke had already closed in and was swinging his sword. Luke's aura reinforced shoulder and arm generated a brute strength to the sword slash, cutting through armor and straight into the knight's heart.
Stefan stiffened as he saw the two figures take out two knights in the blink of an eye.
”Wh-What the h.e.l.l is going on? Who are those people?”
Angela was surprised as well. She had not paid much attention when the two figures had first emerged, a.s.suming them to be mercenaries headed for a quick death.
However, the two 'mercenaries' had effortlessly dispatched two knights of the Tarpan Barony.
The knights from Nigel Viscounty also blinked their eyes stupidly. They knew from experience that even mildly armored knights could only be downed by a long clash of arms.
Luke roared as he and Kurotan slowly approached Angela's carriage.
”We'll defend this side, come out and form a formation.”
The morale of Nigel Viscounty's knights instantly skyrocketed. The two strangers had shown enough skill that they could feel hope.
Stefan's face turned uglier as he motioned for two more knights to slowly approach Luke and Kurotan.
”Who the h.e.l.l are you two? Reveal your ident.i.ties!”
”Us? We're just pa.s.sing by.”
”Then why are you helping those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds?”
”Are you stupid? Were you dropped on your head as a child? The enemy of our enemy is our friend, you know.”
Luke smiled gratingly as he tried to anger Stefan.
”You must be an evil b.a.s.t.a.r.d, to try to murder two innocent pa.s.sers-by. We're simply trying to defeat the evil b.a.s.t.a.r.d in the name of justice!”
Angela hurriedly clasped her mouth with her hand as a laughter escaped her lips at Luke's antics. Unlike Angela, Stefan was a boiling tea kettle ready to blow.
”Dirty mongrels that don't know the fierceness of tigers. Kill them!”
”You are not the only one giving orders here. Kurotan. Kill them.”
Kurotan flung himself into battle as soon as Luke finished speaking. He had been gauging their enemies for weaknesses while Luke had engaged Stefan in verbal combat.
A knight hurried to raise his s.h.i.+eld as Kurotan charged him. Unfortunately for him, the monstrous strength of Kurotan's aura could not be matched by a human.
The knight's body bounced back with an explosive sound, b.u.mping into his comrades.
Kurotan did not let the opening slip.
Kurotan's movements were fast and fierce, and he leaped into the opening like a tiger before swinging his axe. He held nothing back, unlike the tournament he had recently won.
The helmet of the knight who had been flung back split in half, along with his head. Blood and brain splattered to the ground. The knight behind him pushed away the corpse and tried to swing his sword, but Kurotan had already closed the distance into his range. Kurotan's axe cut into the knight's armor and separated arm from shoulder.