Chapter 4 (1/2)

Spirit Sword KIM Jung-Ryul 39920K 2022-07-22

Chapter 4. Kidnapped (3)

TL: Warriormonk

Editor: Obelisk

“You will be swapping the souls?”

“Yes. Maal explained to me that the soul of the human, whose heart I stab, will ascend to the heavens. The soul of the Orc in the divine object will be able to take control of the body of the human.”

A cold drop of sweat dripped down from Luke’s brow.

“Truly… How does a G.o.d gift an Orc with such a cursed sword?”

Luke’s face turned cold.

“I don’t know why you have told me this secret, but you will suffer for it. If I escape, and I’ll try by all means, I will tell the world of your secrets.”


“Even if you take over a human body, you think you could fit into the world of humans? Impossible.”

Surprisingly, Kurotan seemed to agree with Luke.

“Your words ring true. We, who have lived as Orcs, will not be able to live as humans just because we are in a human body.”

“Then give up. It is a useless effort.”

Luke tried to continue talking, but Kurotan’s next words shut him up.

“That is why we kidnapped you.”

“Th-that’s why I was kidnapped?!”

“Kueeek, correct. After long deliberation, we decided that to live as humans, we would need the help of a human.”

Luke smiled condescendingly at Kurotan.

“The help of a human… You think a human exists that would help you?”


“If you kidnapped me for such a reason, you have made a big error.”

Luke steeled himself and opened up his chest.

“I will not help you. Even if you kill me.”

Kurotan stared hard at Luke and asked.

“Why do you hate us so much?”

“Why, you ask? How many soldiers under my direct command died to your hands? Even the guards that you ma.s.sacred when you kidnapped me all had lives.”

“Kueeek, our warriors have also died at the hands of humans.”

A single human and a single orc stared each other down.

Luke was the first to turn away.

Truthfully, it was the Hansel Kingdom that had first started pus.h.i.+ng out the Latilla Tribe, who were originally peaceful towards the Kingdom.

“Ok, Kurotan. It is of no help to anyone to play the blame game at this moment. But why me?”

“What do you mean? Kueeek.”

“There are many humans out there. What made you sure that I would help you?”

“We were not.”

“Then why did you choose me? From the look of things, it seemed you first confirmed that it was me who left the fort before setting up the ambush?”

“You are correct. We had elite scouts watching your movements.”

Kurotan took a deep breath before explaining.

“To tell you the truth, we have been watching you for a long time.”

Luke’s face contorted in confusion. Even as a commander, he was not that special.

“From our perspective, you were truly a magnificent commander.”

Kurotan’s words left him even more puzzled. At one point, Luke had even thought that he was not cut out for the position of a commander.

“Me, a magnificent commander? Are you sure you have the right person?”


Kurotan pointed his finger at Luke’s eyes and hair.

“We remember your face. Not just me, but most of the warriors of our tribe admit the superiority of your prowess.”

“Kurotan, I don’t know what you’re thinking but you have the wrong person.”

Luke calmed himself down and stared Kurotan in the eyes.

“If you are a commander, you are not supposed to blink at the mere death of your subordinate. Charge, break and annihilate the enemy. That is what makes you a good commander. From that perspective, I am not a good commander.”

Luke strongly rebuked Kurotan’s view of him.

For Luke, who had been forced upon the position of commander unwillingly, his biggest priority was to return safely without any injuries.

Whether by coincidence or not, all the soldiers under his command had been drafted unwillingly as well. Unlike the elite troops that received wages or the mercenaries to whom pillaging was allowed, drafted soldiers only wished to return home safely.

Because they understood each other, Luke and his troops had set survival as their top priority.

If possible, they would not undertake any dangerous missions, and Luke, rather than looking to perform merits, would pour all his efforts into ensuring the survival of his soldiers. Luke did not care whether or not his superiors viewed him with favor.

Luke’s hundred man army had the least casualty rates out of all the defending troops of Fort Potellan. Not that it was honorable.

“In other words, you guys messed up.”

“The capacity of a commander is most well judged by the enemy. The area defended by your troops were truly impenetrable.”


“Your troops never once fell for our battle tactics of ‘retreat and surround’.”

“Those were battle tactics?”

Luke clicked his tongue in disbelief.

Chasing down and exterminating the small groups of Orcs that would a.s.sault the wooden defense lines could render merits. Other commanders salivated at such a thought, but Luke had never once partic.i.p.ated. Rather than merits, the lives of his soldiers were more valuable to him.

“That’s because… Merits hold no value to…”

“Kueeek, the commanders you describe as ‘good’… Those kinds of commanders are too common amongst Orcs. In fact, those are the only kind we have.”