Part 6 (1/2)
”Oh, Connie, my love.” The endearment was out before I knew it. I took her arm. ”So many of these kids are dealt bad cards. That Morgan boy would probably put a rattlesnake in your pocketbook, then ask you for a light. But I pity him, yes, because something had to happen to make him that way. And he and William Smith didn't come to your house that night intending to kill Solly or cut you.”
Her face was slightly averted, so that the scar was less visible, and it was not easy for me to read her reaction.
”Will you argue for the death penalty?”
I hesitated. ”Do you want Morgan to die?”
”No,” she said, revealing her purpose and surprising me.
”And neither do I. But you have to understand, after we get a guilty verdict I'll argue for death. I have to do that.” I touched her arm again, felt its heat. ”But perhaps not with sufficient vigor as to win.”
A marauding spring shower slanted down. Sunlight glimmered through a pillar of rain that cannoned against the windows of the courthouse. Inside the courtroom, Gary Oliver had to raise his voice to be heard.
”The defense calls Darryl Morgan!”
It was not required: every defense attorney stressed this to his client, and prior to trial every judge stressed it to the jury. The basis of our system and our laws, ladies and gentlemen: innocent until proved guilty. And so you mustn't hold it against a defendant if he chooses not to testify.
In my experience, guilty men seldom took the stand in their own defense. They were frightened of cross-examination. A good prosecutor would carve them into bite-size pieces. Morgan was a selfconfessed murderer; he had no business up there unless he believed that he could con his way to freedom. Was Oliver so incompetent as to permit it?
I was angry, but there was nothing I could do.
The defendant slouched to the witness box in just a few strides. He wore a long-sleeved blue denim s.h.i.+rt, khaki trousers, jail-issue black shoes. A youth of twenty, Morgan dwarfed everyone in sight, including the beefy deputy sheriffs on hand to guard him in case he went berserk. His white teeth stood out against berry-brown skin, and a hard jaw jutted forth under a powerful face. Despite his ma.s.s, he seemed unripe. I didn't know it then, but a tattoo on the inside of his wrist said f.u.c.k YOU. In bright-blue ink on one deltoid muscle, PAULINE was immortalized, and BORN TO RAISE h.e.l.l was printed crudely across one rocklike biceps. They were prison tattoos; he had spent much of his life there. Gary Oliver had said to him, ”Booger, whatever you do, don't roll those sleeves up in that courtroom, you hear?”
Morgan slumped awkwardly in the wooden chair. The oval whites of his eyes were rimmed with pink. The dark irises had tigerish flecks, glinting with suspicion as they stared out at the threatening world. In the air-conditioned courtroom, he sweated.
Oliver led Morgan through self-serving testimony for over an hour. Near the end, he said, ”You're not denying that you tried to rob Mr. Zide's house?”
Morgan had a resonant baritone voice. ”I done that,” he proclaimed.
”But you didn't shoot and kill Mr. Zide?”
”No, sir.”
”Tell this jury the G.o.d's truth, and may lightning strike you dead this minute if you lie! Did either you or William Smith slash Mrs. Constance Zide in the face and then leave that poor woman there for dead?”
Morgan said, ”No, sir.”
No conclusive white bolt came flying through the courthouse roof. The jurors were grateful, for they were only ten to twenty feet away. Under the fluorescent lights, Morgan's cheekbones gleamed a copper color as if daubed for some tribal ceremony. Not good for him: nine of the jurors were white. White people, I had come to realize, were frightened of young black men. If I had pa.s.sed Darryl Morgan on the street at night, I would have given him all the elbow room he needed.
”Darryl, did you throw away a thirty-eight-caliber pistol that night? In the ocean?”
”No, sir.”
”No, sir, I didn't throw no thirty-eight away, 'cause I don't have no thirty-eight. William was carrying a thirty-two that night. He threw that away in the ocean before they arrest us.”
”Pa.s.s the witness!” Oliver cried, casting a smile toward the jury box, as if his client's denials were triumphant.
Rage, not triumph, flowered on Darryl Morgan's face. He glared at his lawyer, then at me, then up at Judge Eglin. I almost felt I could read his mind. It was all there, and he didn't hide it.
Don't matter what the man do, these motherf.u.c.kers gone find you guilty. The hind wheels of hard time coming down on your head. They gone kill you or make you a trained animal for the rest of your life.
Then, unaccountably as far as I was concerned-for at the time I was not privy to his thoughts except in my imagination-he smiled.
His stepfather, A.J. Morgan, had always counseled him to ”Walk light. And be cool. You smile at the man, he don't know d.i.c.k about what you thinking. You ya.s.sah him, he always say, 'I've got this n.i.g.g.e.r where I want him.' ”
Walk light, Darryl thought, because life got no weight. Walk on tiptoe, see what happen, boy. How much you can bear.
From my chair at the counsel table I looked up at the black youth: six and a half feet tall, two hundred fifty pounds of muscle and s.h.i.+ning skin. I wondered why he wasn't in the backcourt with Earl Monroe or being touted by the NFL as the next Mean Joe Greene. Some young men could claw their way up out of any pit. Most could not, and this was one who had not. And the law decreed that he, not his genes and most certainly not society, was responsible for his acts.
The rain eased. Sunlight arrowed down on concrete and gla.s.s, probing for a way into the cool courtroom. I stood up to cross.e.xamine, facing Darryl Morgan for the first time.
”Mr. Morgan, you don't deny breaking into the Zide estate with William Smith at two o'clock in the morning, do you?”
”I say I done that.”
”You don't deny giving poisoned meat to Paco the Doberman on the beach side of the house, do you?”
”I done that too. But I didn't know it was poison. I thought he just go to sleep. William, he lie to me.”
He seemed aggrieved by that lie, if indeed it had taken place.
”You were able to get close to Paco, weren't you, because he knew you? Trusted you and liked you? Isn't that a fact?”
”A fact,” Morgan agreed, his face like dark stone.
”But you deny being surprised in the act of entry by Solomon Zide?”
”I never saw no one except her,” Morgan muttered. He pointed toward Connie Zide.
”And you deny that William Smith ever slashed Mrs. Zide in the face with a knife?”
”William never do that.”
”And on the morning of December 6 of last year”-looking directly into the violent yellow eyes, I raised my voice a notch-”you didn't shoot Solomon Zide twice in the chest?”
”I never do that.”
”And on the evening of December 9, 1978, just a few nights later, in the Duval County Jail, you didn't confess that murder to Detective Floyd Nickerson?”
”Never do that, either.”
”And on or about January 3 of this year, 1979, in that same Duval County Jail, you didn't say in front of one of your cellmates, Jerry Lee Elroy”-I glanced at my notes-” 'I'm in deep s.h.i.+t because I was robbing this house and shot some Jew ... then his wife came running out and I had to shoot the b.i.t.c.h too.' ”
”Never said that. Ain't so.”