Vol 1 Chapter 6 (2/2)

Both of them reached the canteen, and just when they were about eat, Mai Ding suddenly asked An Zi Yan with a serious look on his face, “Am I that ugly?”

An Zi Yan turned his face away and controlled his urge to laugh.

“I am so ugly, that even you don’t want to see me?” Mai Ding seemed to be hurt.

Just because of one crazy girl’s speech, how Mai Ding linked it to this question made An Zi Yan bewildered.

“Tell me the truth.”

“I don’t want to say anything, just eat.” An Zi Yan didn’t even want to entertain Mai Ding’s lame questions. Mai Ding’s eyes seemed to show some sadness, as the answer coming out from An Zi Yan's mouth is very important. Mai Ding didn’t always have the confidence, but someone like An Zi Yan, who is up there, never had to diss or judge himself.

Mai Ding just bent his head in sadness and ate, “If I were as handsome as you, I would change a girlfriend everyday, and let them serve me by feeding me, helping me change clothes and put me to bed.”

“Are you not afraid of getting diseases?”

“Hey, how can someone like you understand what us commoners are thinking? I'm like the male version of Cinderella. Everyday, I undergo the life of a maid, stuck in a life filled with dirt and dust, but I am never able to wait till the day that the fairies help me.”

An Zi Yan tried his best to ignore this guy’s crazy words.

Mai Ding was getting sadder, as he continued saying things which made him lose his appet.i.te. It seemed like the girl’s words had a huge impact on him. He remembered the girl's look as she said, “Have you even looked in the mirror?”

After the meal was over, Mai Ding’s wish of going back together was also dashed.

“I still have something to do. I gotta go first.”

Mai Ding wanted to hold An Zi Yan back to make him accompany him longer, but he couldn't say it out loud.

“Oh.” Mai Ding turned and walked.

An Zi Yan frowned and hesitated for awhile before he called Mai Ding, “Mai Ding.”


“Are you sure you really understand the fairytale?”

This absurd sentence made Mai Ding confused. Just when Mai Ding is about to ask, An Zi Yan was gone already. On the way back to dorm, Mai Ding kept pondering over An Zi Yan’s words, but he still couldn’t get it.

That night, An Zi Yan was in the back seat of a luxurious car after settling his family matter. He put his hand on the window, and when he pa.s.sed by the book store, he suddenly told his driver to stop, and he then entered the shop.

Meanwhile, Mai Ding was trying to push Li Ming away from the computer so he can check this week’s lottery numbers. But Li Ming was not budging, for he wanted to see biography of his dream G.o.ddess. He really has no cla.s.s. At the same time, outside came some knocking sound, and it was very soft and short. But Mai Ding still heard it and he ran to open the door. He saw An Zi Yan standing at the door with no expression on his face. An Zi Yan then hit the book on Mai Ding’s head and left.

Mai Ding accepted the book in pain as he rubbed his head that has been hit on.

He used the light to look at the book’s name, it was a Cinderella fairytale book.

Li Ming curiously came over, “What is it? Let me see.”

Mai Ding hid it from him, “Why should I show you? I'm going to sleep.” After saying that, Mai Ding jumped on the bed and covered himself properly with the covers before switching on a small light. He roughly skimmed through the book and realised that An Zi Yan encircled two lines in the book.

“When Cinderella took off her dusty clothes, she turned into a charming, beautifulperson.”

“At last, the prince managed to find Cinderella. Even though Cinderella’s past life was very tough, and despite that she was always bullied by others, her future life will always be a blissful one.”

Mai Ding started cracking a smile from the side of his mouth. Even though he understood that he can never be Cinderella, because he is not a girl, and he doesn’t like to wear pretty gowns, not to mention wearing gla.s.s shoes to ballrooms, there is nothing more blissful than being comforted by someone like An Zi Yan.

Although he forever may not meet any prince or princess, Mai Ding met An Zi Yan. No matter how many princes or princesses, they can’t be compared to one An Zi Yan.

Although Mai Ding is normal, who says normal is not good looking?


To be continued...
