Vol 1 Chapter 5 (2/2)

”But I like spending time with you”, said Mai Ding as he expressed his feeling. No matter how bad or rude An Zi Yan treated him, Mai Ding was comfortable, and his heart even beats faster than usual when they are together.

”Are you sure you don't like me? ”

Mai Ding pushed An Zi Yan around as he laughed madly with his hand on his stomach.

”Are you kidding me?! In what universe would you think anyone will like someone like you?”

An Zi Yan simply replied to him with intensity, with the intention to ignore him further.

Soon, they arrived at the cinema. Mai Ding was extremely excited about the movie. He heard about it and wanted to watch it ever since, but he couldn't find the time to do it. When they sat down, the light dimmed right after. Mai Ding kept putting his 3D gla.s.seson and off to see the differences.

Mai Ding had a special taste in movies. Ever since he was a kid, he liked fairytales very much, and now that he's all grown up, his taste buds s.h.i.+fted to fantasy movies, especially those involved with magical characters, such as orcs, elves and animals that can talk. His childish choices in movies was often made fun of by everyone, because usually a full grown ”man” likes action-blockbuster movies with lots of war, gun fighting, blood spilling and brains being blown into pieces.

But Mai Ding doesn't mind at all. Once he made up his mind about something he likes, he will stick with his choice for a long time. That's his nature of stubbornness .

That is why, Mai Ding was really excited everytime a new character appeared in the movie. His eyes would glow in joy and antic.i.p.ation. An Zi Yan laid back against his chair with his hand supporting his head, he can tell that Mai Ding really like the movie just by looking at him.

The light turned back on after the movie ended.  Mai Ding took off his 3D gla.s.ses and rubbed his eyes as a sign of fatigue. An Zi Yan stood up and said ” Let's go. ”


Mai Ding followed An Zi Yan footsteps behind him. Even though they didn't talk much, Mai Ding was happy enough that An Zi Yan was willing to watch the movie with him.

It was getting really late after they watched the movie. There wasn't much people on the street anymore, and most of the shops were closed by this hour. Only the dimmed street lamps s.h.i.+ned on them as An Zi Yan walked in front, while Mai Ding followed behind closely.

”Hey, what's your type of guy?”, said Mai Ding while he was facing An Zi Yan's back.

”I'm not into guys”. An Zi Yan decided to clarify with Mai Ding over this matter to avoid further misunderstanding.

Mai Ding froze after An Zi Yan said that. He started to have an anxiety attack. If he is not bis.e.xual, Mai Ding doesn't have any excuse to be close with him anymore. His dream of getting to know someone who likes both sides of the world came tumbling down at his very own face.

”Really? Didn't you sat you like both guys and girls?”

An Zi Yan turned around to take a look at Mai Ding who stood still. ”Do you have to believe in every word I said?”

From that very moment, Mai Ding finally realized, all this while, An Zi Yan was joking. He was such a fool to believe all this. Seeing Mai Ding motionless, An Zi Yan walked to him and grabbed his arm to keep him walking.

”Idiot. If we don't hurry up, the dormitory door will close soon.”

Mai Ding finally recovered consciousness when he let An Zi Yan to pull himself away. He clearly thought about every possibility of what An Zi Yan said earlier. As a friend, he should be happy for him, because he was a normal h.o.m.o sapien like average people should be, but why did he feel disappointed? And why did he feel like he had such a huge loss in the end where they started?

Soon, they reached the door of their rooms. As Mai Ding took out his keys, he said, ”Even if you lied to me, you're mean, and you're nasty, I would still like to thank you for accompanying me to the movies today.”

Ma Ding didn't expect any reaction from An Zi Yan with that. Most probably, he will just act cool as always. But this time, Mai Ding was wrong. An Zi Yan actually smiled. This is the very first time Mai Ding saw that expression on his face. His smile was so warm and loving, which opened up Mai Ding's heart like a blooming flower.

”I never liked guys, but... ” An Zi Yan paused. ”Who knows, maybe in future...”

After An Zi Yan said those words, he entered his own room. An Zi Yan himself didn't know why he said all those things. Maybe it's to cheer Mai Ding's lost soul up? Or perhaps simply because he wanted to tease him more? Who knows?

Mai Ding was confused with what he said. What does he mean? Does An Zi Yan want Mai Ding to wait? Wait when he finally turns bis.e.xual, then only Mai Ding should be friends with him?

Mai Ding seemed to be in deep thoughts, the light of his room was off, with only light from Li Ming's laptop. Li Ming turned and tried to be noisy. ”What's wrong?”

”Everything's fine”

Mai Ding hid himself under his covers and kept quiet. If only An Zi Yan didn't say all those things, everything would've remained fine. But now, all Mai Ding can think of was An Zi Yan's words that hurted him very much besides his last words before they got separated.

If An Zi Yan really doesn't like guys, then he won't have the chance to like me at all.That was Mai Ding's last thoughts before he buried himself in deep slumber. For some people, he or she will never realize the moment they starting to fall in love with another person. Mai Ding is that type of person.


To be continued...
