Part 43 (1/2)

That sudden rapture took them far away, Yet are they here with us to-day, Even as the heavenly stars we cannot see Through the bright veil of sunlight, Shed their influence still On our vexed life, and promise peace From G.o.d to all men of good will.


What wreaths shall we entwine For our dear boys to deck their holy shrine?

Mountain-laurel, morning-glory, Goldenrod and asters blue, Purple loosestrife, prince's-pine, Wild-azalea, meadow-rue, Nodding-lilies, columbine,-- All the native blooms that grew In these fresh woods and pastures new, Wherein they loved to ramble and to play.

Bring no exotic flowers: America was in their hearts, And they are ours For ever and a day.


O happy warriors, forgive the tear Falling from eyes that miss you: Forgive the word of grief from mother-lips That ne'er on earth shall kiss you; Hear only what our hearts would have you hear,-- Glory and praise and grat.i.tude and pride From the dear country in whose cause you died.

Now you have run your race and won your prize, Old age shall never burden you, the fears And conflicts that beset our lingering years Shall never vex your souls in Paradise.

Immortal, young, and crowned with victory, From life's long battle you have found release.

And He who died for all on Calvary Has welcomed you, brave soldiers of the cross, Into eternal Peace.


Come, let us gird our loins and lift our load, Companions who are left on life's rough road, And bravely take the way that we must tread To keep true faith with our beloved dead.

To conquer war they dared their lives to give, To safeguard peace our hearts must learn to live.

Help us, dear G.o.d, our forward faith to hold!

We want a better world than that of old.

Lead us on paths of high endeavor, Toiling upward, climbing ever, Ready to suffer for the right, Until at last we gain a loftier height, More worthy to behold Our guiding stars, our hero-stars of gold.

Ode for the Memorial Service, Princeton University, December 15, 1918.


In the blue heaven the clouds will come and go, Scudding before the gale, or drifting slow As galleons becalmed in Sundown Bay: And through the air the birds will wing their way Soaring to far-off heights, or flapping low, Or darting like an arrow from the bow; And when the twilight comes the stars will show, One after one, their tranquil bright array In the blue heaven.

But ye who fearless flew to meet the foe, Eagles of freedom,--nevermore, we know, Shall we behold you floating far away.

Yet clouds and birds and every starry ray Will draw our heart to where your spirits glow In the blue Heaven.

For the American Aviators who died in the war.

March, 1919.