Part 3 (1/2)
”Yes and no. You?” asked Mish.
Meredith shrugged. She wanted badly to tell her friend about the handsome gynecologist and the G-test and the Pap smear that never was, but felt it was perhaps better not to mention anything fertility-related for now. She was worried Mish might break down. Actually she was more worried she might break down, but worrying about other people breaking down helped her to not break down herself.
For two hours they spoke of every amusing thing they could think of that didn't particularly matter and ate eggs and b.u.t.ter and cheese and pastry. Afterward, Meredith ordered decaf coffee, explaining her new theory that caffeine was the devil, and Mish teased her for being such a priss.
After lunch, Mish wanted to stop by a pharmacy to pick up cold sore ointment (the clown had left her with that special tingling) and Meredith said she would come with. Wandering around drugstores was something they did very well together. It was just like high school, except that Meredith no longer worried about Mish stealing cosmetics.
”Hey, remember the summer you stayed at my house and we put this in our hair?” Mish was standing in aisle three holding up a box of Flirt.
”Totally.” Meredith smiled. ”It was meant to be burgundy but it turned our hair pink.”
”Mine was more fuchsia. It matched my fluorescent bikini.”
”c.l.i.t pink. That was what my mother called it when she met me at the airport.”
”Didn't she think it was so cool she copied it or something?”
”Yup.” Meredith took the box from Mish's hand and placed it back on the shelf. As she did, she saw something flash in the corner of her eye. A big diamond ring-like the one in Us magazine-on the very small, slender hand of a very young girl. Meredith tried not to stare but it was hard-the girl was so pretty. She was indeterminately Asian, or possibly Middle Eastern-with the sort of fine boned, sloe-eyed darkness that politically incorrect casting directors described as ”exotic.” In a wife-beater tank and grubby, frayed jeans, she was doing the rich-hippie thing. The look was one Meredith had always admired but had never been able to pull off.
”h.e.l.lo? Fas.h.i.+on moment,” said Mish, who always talked to strangers after a couple of of wine. She winked at the girl and pointed approvingly at her outfit.
”Uh, thanks,” said the girl, grabbing a tube of organic lemon--verbena toothpaste-not, Meredith sensed, because she wanted it but because she wanted to get away from the weirdly complimentary gawking women.
Meredith wondered if they looked middle-aged to her. She was just about to say this to Mish when she noticed him. The handsome gynecologist. Farther down the aisle, choosing conditioners. As Mish wandered away, Meredith watched surrept.i.tiously while the rich young hippie sidled up to him. Dr. Veil smiled and said something to her. She giggled, took the bottle of conditioner from his hand and exchanged it for another. Then confidently, almost c.o.c.kily, she walked away. He waited a dignified amount of time before following her out of the aisle, an adoring expression on his face. He did not seem to notice Meredith at all.
Meredith found Mish in the contraceptives aisle, looking at a box of condoms. ”Who do you suppose the ribs are actually for, anyway?”
”Listen, can we go? There's someone here I can't really run into.”
Mish paused, but Meredith was already halfway out of the store.
When they were outside and a full block away, Mish put her arm around her friend's waist. ”One-night stand?” she asked. ”High school enemy? Shrink? The host of a party you got totally wasted at and ended up dancing topless on top of the freezer? Or wait-that wasn't you. That was me.”
Meredith laughed. ”Worse,” she said. ”That modelly looking Asian chick? The one with the diamond? Did you see that guy she was with? The tall, good-looking one about twice her age? That's my gynecologist.”
Mish wrinkled her nose. ”I hate people,” she said. ”Don't you hate people?”
Irma Moore feasted her eyes on the buffet of horror laid out before her. Terminal 4, Heathrow International, at seven a.m. was, she decided, a magnificent contemporary restaging of Dante's lowest circle of h.e.l.l, or perhaps, if she closed her eyes to freeze its last image in her mind,'s Guernica. Trails of human sausage links tangled and writhed across the industrial-tiled floor, and Irma was one of them, bravely navigating her small form through the seething ma.s.s. The din was dampened only by a faint misting of perspiration. The weight of this respirated atmosphere pressed down on Irma's head like a dumbwaiter. Everyone took a place in line: queues of the paranoid waiting to have their old suitcases wrapped in cellophane. Mothers and infants in rows outside a metal door bearing a sign of a grinning cartoon elephant and the words BABY PIT STOP. A whole generation of smartly swaddled Saudi ladies waiting in line to get their VAT tax-back forms signed after their vodka-and-Prada sprees in Knightsbridge.
Irma paused to watch a customs official, his nose decorated with gin blossoms, glare over the counter at a small Muslim woman shrouded in a Gucci-logo-print head scarf. He pointed at the woman's bag on the floor. The woman bent down wordlessly and hoisted it onto the counter, spilling its contents before him. He held up a flimsy pile of paper and made a dismissive, uncooperative gesture. The woman stamped her foot and raised her hand in frustration. They stared at each other for a moment before the woman-perhaps because of a language barrier, perhaps because of sheer annoyance-swept up her purchases and her carry-on bag in two arms and clopped away, burka swis.h.i.+ng out behind her.
More than any other version of h.e.l.l, Irma Moore preferred the h.e.l.l of other people. As someone who had rarely behaved normally-let alone well-in her life, Irma thought it was lovely to watch otherwise polite people lose it. This was especially true in public. For this reason, she had a soft spot for airports. She cruised over to the arrivals board but couldn't get a view for the mobs of people standing in front of her.
”Ucchh,” she said. The Ulsterwoman's trademark articulation of frustration. An involuntary, guttural reflex that she often made, and the only discernible trace of her middle-cla.s.s upbringing in Belfast.
”A poor-bog Irish peasant girl” is how Irma liked to describe herself, though in fact she had grown up in a tidy Protestant suburb. Her father was an eye surgeon, not a potato farmer as she sometimes pa.s.sively led people to believe. But Irma had never been much of a fan of unadorned facts-the truth, in her mind, was too barren and plain. She preferred a more cluttered version of reality.
Being a poet, Irma was big on metaphors. She rarely thought of things as they were, but instead imagined them as what they represented in the larger scheme of things. Human existence, in her mind's eye, was a vast, messy castle with high turrets and secret pa.s.sages, crocodile moats and magic suits of armor that might spring to life at any moment. Life was loud, animated and bloated with waste, not unlike Heathrow's Terminal 4. But in the case of the great metaphoric castle, she mused, while craning her neck to read the flight numbers on the screen, there was one crucial difference: the castle contained only one royal personage. And that was Irma.
Ah-ha. BA flight from Toronto due to arrive at 7:05 a.m. Just minutes ago, Irma noted, checking the pocket watch she carried in her handbag. For once, her daughter was late. Even if it wasn't Meredith's fault, Irma couldn't help but take a bit of pleasure in this uncharacteristic tardiness.
She pushed on, toward the arrivals gate at the other end of the terminal. When she got there, a man in uniform informed her this was the arrivals gate for domestic flights only. She would have to go back and check the message board to find the right gate. Irma reached through her batwing sleeve and scratched at a spot under the restrictive c.u.mmerbund of her traditional geisha's kimono. (What had possessed her to put on this wretched thing anyway? She really should have worn the rabbit-fur poncho instead.) Another message board, with more encoded messages. She flung her head up like a garbage can with a spring lid, and her red velvet beret came loose from its bobby pin and Frisbeed off her head.
She bent down with some effort and, after a couple of lunging steps, caught the hat midair by its peac.o.c.k feather. She had taken to wearing hats after noticing a bald spot at her crown reflected in a restaurant mirror she had made the mistake of sitting in front of during a recent gallery board-members' luncheon in Soho. Getting old was a b.u.g.g.e.r-a point she planned to impress upon her daughter. The young should be grateful, if only for the fact that they are not yet old.
The only thing that delighted Irma Moore about being a mother was the tyrannical irreversibility of it. She was a fatalist.
While dismally ill-equipped for empathy, nurturing and polite conversation, Irma excelled in other departments. Smuggling exotic and dangerous house pets into Britain via Heathrow, for instance, and consuming large quant.i.ties of sweet Italian liqueurs. To date, Irma had concealed six snakes, twenty spiders, two lizards and four rare birds in her battered crocodile carry-on bag. Each night before bed she chugged a half-pint of Limoncello. She claimed it kept her young.
In her youth, Irma had littered the English-speaking world with a great deal of bad poetry. Highly acclaimed bad poetry in the vein of s.e.xton and Plath, except, as Irma famously pointed out in her Paris Review interview, ”without all the depressing bits.” All that left, naturally, were the s.e.xy bits, and Irma tore into the burgeoning sixties literary market of women ”taking control of their own s.e.xuality” like a h.o.r.n.y priest at a boy-band convention. Her expertly timed 1969 collection, Dirty Girls on Acid, launched Irma as a sort of En- glish poetess counterpart of Erica Jong. For one perfect summer the international literary world couldn't get enough of her. She toured North America doing readings in every city and college town from Dartmouth to Denver. Accompanied by a smack-addled vanload of jazz musicians from Cornwall, bird-boned Irma had been a vision of threatening feminine liberation-a v.a.g.i.n.a dentata for a new era.
It was on her trip through New Mexico that she established her signature look of live jewelry (she often turned up at parties with a tarantula on her scarf or a defanged asp coiled around her throat). It was on the California leg of that trip that her daughter was conceived.
Righting herself slowly, Irma was stopped dead by a word.
She looked up and spotted her daughter jogging toward her in a velour leisure suit. Clearly some kind of awful Canadian trend.
”h.e.l.lo, dear. Lovely to see you.”
They kissed apprehensively and began to push through the crowd.
Meredith's luggage cart jammed in the exit door, and she stumbled over the hem of her pants.
”Mom! For G.o.d's sake, what's the hurry?”
Irma put her hand to her pumping heart and glowered at her daughter. They'd been together less than a minute and already Irma felt misunderstood. Much as she enjoyed the antic.i.p.ation of going to a place, as soon as she had reached her destination, she was filled with a compulsion to leave. She wanted out of this airport. Now. She was well known for disappearing between courses at dinner parties and fleeing the theater at intermission. As a quitter, Irma never quit. Just the day before, in fact, she had coolly broken it off with Jose, the South American refugee poet. Her reasoning had been simple: it could never last, and anyway, this was probably her last chance to make a man under the age of forty weep. And weep he did.
Irma took in the whole of her daughter with a glance, noting with relief that while Meredith's style remained grimly conservative, she had not yet grown fat.
”Well...” Irma said conclusively. She smiled and placed a hand on each of Meredith's cool cheeks.
”I thought we could take a taxi into town this time, Mom. On me.”
”Oh dear, would you mind terribly if we don't?” Irma winced. ”I just loathe making chitchat with the drivers. And besides, the tube is so good for you.”
”Good for you? How?”
”Lots of novelty bacteria for your body to absorb. A real workout for your immune system.”
Meredith looked too tired to argue.