113 Chapter 113 : The Destruction Of The Mountain Of Ore 2 (1/2)

The Warfare Of Races Seion 12830K 2022-07-22

...............MEANWHILE OF THE ENTRANCE...............

??? - They Are Late!!!!!!!

??? - Yeah Did Something Happened... We Did Feel A Small Shaking Earlier.....

The ones talking were VILE and ALMERIA as they had gone upwards later they reached the entrance where the caravan was and stayed there for a while when they heard a weird sound and a small shaking..

VILE : No Idea... Obchan It Was A While Ago.....

ALMERIA : I'm Not Old Enough To Be Called Like That.... I Just Look Like That.....

They were having their own conversation as if nothing happened or without a care in the world and after a few minutes a large shaking took place continued ever since then becoming stronger and stronger.....


VILE : WHAT THE!!!!!!!

They couldn't believe their eyes as they saw cracks in the walls, ground, ceiling and loud sound could be heard from all the area around them...

VILE : What's Going On Here....

ALMERIA : Can It Be......

VILE : Obchan You know Somet.......

VILE and ALMERIA froze as they saw a lot of monsters coming from the pa.s.sage that leads down and

without hurting them they simple pa.s.sed away from them as they fled from the collapsing mountain.... then....

ALMERIA : d.a.m.n I'm Right..... VILE get in the caravan NOW!!!!!

VILE : huh.... Oh.... OKAY.......

following her instruction he boarded the caravan and then she followed him as well on board and started moving outside the mountain...

VILE : Why Are We Leaving??? What's Going ON!!!!!!!!!!!