109 Chapter 109 : Glass Emperor Vs Sora (1/2)
' <freeze> <lighting><magma> ' Sora said
as SORA has seen it using S.T.A skills he immediately started barraging it with attacks from his thoughts - fiiissssss - zazazpazapza - frue frue frue - ice appeared freezing him in its track and then lightning hit it causing it to emit light and after that magma enveloped it as it became hard. All the others watching from distance thought that he did it..then.....
' Kuya Kuya Kuya USELESS!!!! ' Gla.s.s Emperor Said
' Yeah thought so..... ' Sora said
it came out of the flames without a scratch retorting at SORA's attacks....
' Your skills Kuya are amazing Kuya ' Gla.s.s Emperor
' So they truly are my S.T.A skills..... Does that mean you have all the skills i used in the other world??
' Sora said
' Try and see Kuya ' Gla.s.s Emperor
a few veins started appearing on SORA's head as the GLa.s.s EMPEROR said that... so SORA started walking towards him and said....
' Then I will... <revert><compressed s.p.a.ce=””><stun>
' Sora said
when he gave those COMMANDS from his thought to attack the GLa.s.s EMPEROR reverted back to a 10 meters instantly and all the force released by that got compressed again around the s.p.a.ce of the GLa.s.s EMPEROR and as he couldn't move plasma appeared and fused with the force causing it to go out of control like a nuke...
' <s.t.a :=”” physical=”” endurance=”” x=”” 100=””> Kuya ' Gla.s.s Emperor said
and in that instant, the body of the emperor became pitch black with a height of 50 centimetres causing all the energy inside to vanish.....
' Kuya Kuya Kuya Is It My Turn??? Kuya... ' Gla.s.s Emperor said
None of the attacks SORA did had any effect on him the others couldn't stop their fear as they saw a fight surpa.s.sing any wild imagination they had, then someone went next to them and was playing with the dragon...