107 Chapter 107 : An Impossible Revive (1/2)
.......................IN SORA'S MIND.......................
SORA : So tired... finally i can rest....
??? - S......A!!!!!!!!!
SORA : Hmm did i hear something... nah.....
??? - ......O....R.....!!!!!!!!!!!
SORA : Mmmm.................
as time pa.s.sed SORA's soul drifted further and further away unable to tell who was calling him he wanted to rest... when he slowly muttered....
SORA : ah... btw i feel like...... i need to do........ something important....
as he was trying to remember what was that he couldn't as he became weaker and weaker by the second inside a dark environment he said..
SORA : All dark.... who was in ... the darkness ... again aaahhh....
slowly he started to fade as well and when he closed his eyes he heard.
?1? - heh dying like that pathetic.....
?2? - that's true for the one known for his unwillingness to bow down...
?3? - he bowed amazingly well to those s.h.i.+ts...
SORA : w....h.....o??
?4? - who are we..... or who are you???
SORA : m....e i'...m t...i....r.....e....d
?5? - Sure Sure you are....
?6? - but are you going to die like that.....
?7? - don't you have anything to do??
SORA could hear more voices inside him telling him a lot of things he couldn't understand and slowly drifted away from them...