79 Chapter 079 : Returning After Two Months (1/2)

The Warfare Of Races Seion 14280K 2022-07-22

After the reports on the Human KING and the Demons LORDS, two months have pa.s.sed since then with many things unfolded. The LORDS sent out invitations to all SIX Races Rulers with the pretext of an emergency meeting and they had to respond within three months....

From the moment they were sending out only two races agreed to it the HUMANS and the ELVES.... Around that time somewhere in the world hidden from the eyes of the world two individuals were been chased...

??? - Haaa Haaa... AAAAaaaa HELP MEEEEEEE

??? - Don't go running around yelling there fight back!!!!!!!!!

??? - EASY FOR YOU TO SAY..... SORAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SORA : In those two months you've been leaching off my experience. It's a good way for you to learn how to fight HIST....

yep those two were the one who left for a journey ... while SORA is sitting on top of a mountain of dead bodies HIST is making a run for it..

SORA : I guess you need good news huh....


SORA : Oh I see too bad .... Cause the girls are ready and waiting for us in the kingdom.... But Since you'll be dead i'll leave your corpse here....

hearing that HIST stopped moving completely without hearing anything except of the buzzing sound of the wyverns chasing him around as they gave up on SORA who killed fifteen of them with ease..

<flap flap=”” flap=””> (wings) <wraaaaarrrr wraaaarrrr=””>(screams)

while hearing those buzzing he couldn't image naked the girls so.....

HIST : SILENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!

while saying that he released an overwhelming thirst for blood and the wyverns stopped in their tracks and looked at his eyes ... when he.....

HIST : arth's needles=”” x10=””> Activate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by activating his skill ten thousands of ten centimetres appeared from the ground and pierced through the five remaining wyverns....