72 Chapters 072 : Vile Trolled Them And Bath Time (1/2)
KING : Xmm Who's Running???
??? - HEY GUYS YOU'RE ALIVE!!!!!!!!
all of them froze as they saw VILE enter the throne room.....
VILE : Hmmm What Is It ??? Who Died??
ALL IN THE ROOM : YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
VILE : HUH... AH you mean when i was waving at you i used a RELIC to return to the guild and then went on quest hunt and i came back now....
AXAXAXXAHAHHAHHHAHXEXEAXAXAX laugh was heard from everyone on the room as they heard that and then they completely ignored him saying to the KING...
ALL 8 : Now Then My KING We'll Leave You To Go Rest...
KING : Yeah Yeah Go...
after saying that the PRINCESS and the others went ahead to eat take a bath check how much they have raised themselves and sleep...
KING : AH..... SHOOT I Forgot How Did They Enter Frenzy Mode....
VILE : MY KING ... If You are Asking How To Get A Sudden Boost It Was Probably the <regret stone=””> There Where Large Amounts There...
KING : I See Did You Happen To Get Some.....
VILE : Yeah As The Guild Needed Large Supplies I Also Got A Bag For Here That's Why I'm Here Now...
VILE : Then I'll Leave It Here And Leave I Have A Few Quest Unfinished..
after that VILE left the room and the KING raised a grin as he saw them
Heading towards the bath after eating those seven and THELIA said...