61 Chapter 061 : The Mountain Of Ore (1/2)
After hours of walking nonstop towards the mountain they finally reached the base in the center where from there you enter a cave and go through it in order to reach the eye of the mountain inside and then go down to lower levels..... but first they stopped for a break....
ELEA : Aaah So Tired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RAK : It Wasn't That Bad....
MERAK : Are You Kidding Me!!!!
NESTIA : Now Now.... Calm Down..... We Reached Faster Than Normally We Would Have....
THELIA : That Was Because The Night Would Have to Catch Up To Us..
BAL : No Kidding... If We Had to Stay Outside For The Night We Would Have Died....
KARA : That's Why I Said To Raise Our Pace....
THEO : We Were Also Lucky Not Meeting Any Monster.....
MICA : ..... Haa .... Haaa .... Haaaaa
when THEO said that everyone gasped in surprise as they truly didn't see anything of the sort.... if they had everyone would have been late and camp out in the cold with monsters company..... when...
NESTIA : Ah... That Was Because Of Me.....
ALL 8 : Ee_Eehhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NESTIA : AhaXaHaXa You Guys Are PRICELESS!!!!!
ALL 8 : .............
none could understand what she did and why she was laughing ....
NESTIA : Don't Be So Puzzled I Simply Raised A Field So That No Monster Can Detect Us.... Yet....
everyone had sparkling eyes looking at her <kira><kira> and while admiring eating and drinking
NESTIA spoke.....
NESTIA : Now If I'm Not Wrong The Houses Are 1 Or 2 Kilometers Inside The Mountain Why Don't We Go For Sleep And Begin Tomorrow .....