32 Chapter 032 : Requesting A Rematch 2 (1/2)
AREN & VILE : YOUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They yelled at him and he kept ignoring them while turning towards the KING who hasn't say anything on the matter and said...
SORA : Is there anything else old man???
KING : Yeah Do You Expecting Me To Sit Back And Watch As You Trashed Around My Daughter???
saying that he opened his eyes and stared at him with intense bloodl.u.s.t wanting to kill him make him suffer and all....
SORA : Sighs Sighs you guys are useless you don't think at all do you...
in that statement, everyone's eyes opened widely and continued talking with them completely in silence...
SORA : I only do something for important reasons 1)if i take her with me she won't be accepted in other races capitals, they will think she's a spy 2)original i never had the intention of killing her 3)as the winner i have the right to end this from a month to simple hours as long as she willingly offers her body and not to force her as a slave... that was the trap behind the bet no one noticed i created..
everyone stopped thinking as so many things come out of SORA's mouth no one could believe it that all of this was a scheme to toy with them under their noses and while kept being in a state of statues someone entered the room and broken through the silence .....
HIST : Oh SORA you finished!! We need to go... Hmmm???
while HIST broke their silence the first to speak was THELIA herself...
THELIA : Then Was Everything A Lie??????
SORA : Yep... <smiling>
waa waaaa waaa waaa sniff sniff the PRINCESS started crying falling on her knees and rubbing her eyes seeing that all three anger's exploded...
HIST : Acha you're really screwed in the brain man... Not that I really but three people are coming for you!!!
AREN : You'll pay !!!