20 Chapter 020 : The Spas Final (1/2)

The Warfare Of Races Seion 13000K 2022-07-22

HIST : Yo SORA how've you been

all of them except SORA have completely forgotten about him

SORA : in good mood you?

HIST : well my physical body hurts but my mental one is at it's 300% with all these G.o.ddess naked and all.....

SORA : i see

MICA & KARA & ELEA & : wait Huh WHat Eh???

they were truly surprised as they didn't get what happened

SORA : well, in short, this guy from the moment i told him i saw the clothes of the princess in the mixed tub. He wanted to come and probably **** her and because i was against it he schemed to involve you guys with the pretext of teaching you. Since that didn't work he worked you up probably when the princess was yelling that i was raping her to come to help her and when you did you saw us got in the mood starting lay as well and when he sneaked up he feasted with his eyes 3 girls rubbing their p.u.s.s.ies and 1 princess. .h.i.tting the climax.

sweating starting running from HIST'S face while the others starting popping veins as they heard the whole story from SORA and were p.i.s.sed so much their eyes turned red (you know when someone's eyes turn red start running) he tried to make excuses....

HIST : Ah wait, wait but, but you did enjoy yourselves right so no violence.....

he started trembling and changing facial colours at an incredible rate

HIST : SORAAAAAAAAAAAAA..... you lucky Bast........

then BAM BOOM CRASH CRACK all short on noises from one fist to another kick were flying towards

HIST'S body by four girls...