6 Chapter 006 : An Intense Truth (1/2)
SORA : all of you seems like you're worse than insects you blindly put your faith in a half-a.s.sed explanation from some girl who hasn't notice almost anything in a KING who has told us 5 lies till now and in a PRINCESS who has been showing us her panties they way she's sitting next to the KING you remind me of puppies waving their tail.
HIST : Oh so you noticed that!!!!
ALL OF THEM : WHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SORA : I notice everything in this room that's why I was laughing the whole time, even when she was climbing the stairs and was showing as the full view of her a.s.s.
THELIA : EEEEhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HIST : d.a.m.n I didn't see that
everyone was furious with the insults they were taken it could be seen that ELEA didn't bother her that much because she thought that she was right while the PRINCESS was cursing him like die, die pervert and such then the KING could be seen standing up and then begins talking.
KING : Youngster SORA I Would Prefer That You STOP Spitting NONSENSE And Insulting The Others INCLUDING My Sweet THELIA.
SORA : Hooo..... the KING himself has rise up that confirms my theory and all you've said till now are lies 5 of them to be exact.
KING : Then Care To Enlighten Me About What I Said Are Lies
SORA : sure I don't mind but that would mean the other's learning that you killed you're three other daughters to bring us here is that ok with you... Ah never mind they just did.
everyone froze as they heard that and the KING wore an angry expression saying <how the=”” h.e.l.l=”” did=”” you=”” know=”” this=””> and everyone could see the princess with a sad face
SORA : your face says how I know that but like I said you told us 5 lies
HIST : interesting a dispute
ELEA : what do you mean........