Part 7 (1/2)

And then, putting aside her work, she took down the newest of her well-worn books, lately sent her from New Orleans, and began to read.

Oui, sans doute, tout meurt: ce monde est un grand reve, Et le peu de bonheur qui nous vient en chemin, Nous n'avons pas plus tot ce roseau dans la main, Que le vent nous l'enleve.

”Que le vent nous l'enleve.” She repeated the last words to herself. Ah no! the wind could not take her happiness out of her hand.

A wandering wind had risen at nightfall, and it came softly across the snow, and tried the doors and windows as with a furtive hand. She could hear it coming as from an immense distance, pa.s.sing with a sigh, returning plaintive, homeless, forlorn, to whisper round the house.

J'ai vu sous le soleil tomber bien d'autres choses Que les feuilles des bois, et l' des eaux, Bien d'autres s'en aller que le parfum des roses Et le chant des oiseaux.

That wind meant more snow. Involuntarily she laid down her book and listened to it.

How like the sound of the wind was to wandering footsteps, slowly drawing near, creeping round the house. She could almost have fancied that a hand touched the shutters, was even now trying to raise the latch of the door.

A moment of intense silence, in which the wind seemed to hold its breath and listen without, while she listened within. And then a low, distinct knock upon the door.

She did not move.

”It is the wind,” she said to herself; but she knew it was not.

The knock came again, low, urgent, not to be denied.

She had become very cold. She had supposed fear was an emotion of the mind. She had not reckoned for this slow paralysis of the body.

She managed to creep to the window and unbar the shutter an inch or two.

By pressing her face against the extreme corner of the pane she could just discern in the snowlight part of a man's figure, wrapped in a long cloak.

She barred the window once more. She was not surprised. She knew now that she had known it always. She had pretended to herself that the thief would not come; but she was expecting him when he knocked. And he stood there, outside. Presently he would be inside.

He knocked yet again, this time more loudly. What need was there for silence when for miles and miles round there was no ear to hear save that of a chance prairie dog?

She laid hold upon her courage, seeing that it was her only refuge, and went to the door.

”Who is there?” she said through a c.h.i.n.k.

A man's voice, low and feeble, replied, ”Let me in.”

”I cannot let you in.”

There was a short silence.

”I pray you, let me in,” he said again.

”I have told you I cannot. Who are you?”

”I am a soldier, wounded. I'm trying to get back to my friends at ----.”

He mentioned a settlement about fifty miles north. ”I have missed my way, and I can't drag myself any farther.”

Her heart swung violently between suspicion and compa.s.sion.

”I am alone in the house,” she said. ”My husband is away, and he made me promise not to let any one in on any pretence whatever during his absence.”

”Then I shall die on your doorstep,” said the voice. ”I can't drag myself any farther.”