Part 27 (1/2)
He smiles down at me, talking in a hush. ”Have I told you that you look beautiful today?”
My chest aches from the sweetness. Responding just as quietly, I smile softly and tell him, ”Yes, you have, but I don't think I've told you how handsome you look today. Which you do, by the way.”
His smile deepens. ”Well, now I have to kiss you.”
My eyes widen in panic. I whisper hiss, ”Max, don't. Please don't.”
He leans closer to me. ”Those are the rules.”
I let out an exasperated noise. ”Who makes these rules? Max, please don't.”
A hair's breadth away from my lips, he utters, ”They're going to find out anyway.” Then his lips touch mine in a soft but deep kiss, and suddenly, I'm glad to be facing away from Ceecee. No one wants to see their dad kissing some chick. I hate my heart for racing. I hate myself for not pulling away. But I just can't. I'm powerless against this man.
The kiss lasts a short while, but long enough to show everyone the line of friends.h.i.+p has been crossed. As he pulls away from me, he pecks my lips, once, twice, then three times. Leaning back in his chair, he rests his arm at the back of my chair and looks around the table. Everyone but Nat, Ceecee, Max's sisters, and his Mom are gaping. In fact, those not gaping are grinning from ear to ear.
I hear Nat mutter excitedly, ”I knew it.”
Max looks around at the people gaping and stands before reaching for my plate. ”C'mon, guys. Breakfast is getting cold.”
He piles my plate with all my favorite breakfast foods and some I haven't tried, when Nik's shock morphs into a beaming smile. He turns to a scowling Asher and utters, ”Told ya. You owe me ten bucks.” Digging into his pocket, a sulking Ash pulls out a note and slaps it into Nik's hand. Nik winks at me. I lower my face to hide my smile and shake my head slowly.
Ash glowers up at Max. ”I'm gonna kick your a.s.s.”
Max places my plate in front of me, lifting his own, filling it with food. As he sits, he returns a bored, ”Quiet your sa.s.s, Ghost.” Wrapping his arm around my shoulders, he kisses my temple, turns back to a now-fuming Asher, and mutters an amused, ”You'll upset my girl.”
Placing a hand over my face, my body shakes in silent laughter.
Sweet, funny Max.
Chapter Twenty-Seven.
Helena After what happened to be the best breakfast I've ever eaten in my entire life, Max and I took Ceecee home. This was where I thought the two would drop me off home and have some father/ daughter time.
I was wrong.
As soon as we walked through the door, Ceecee stated, ”Sundays are so boring.”
Why did I feel the need to open my mouth? Because that was just me. I responded, ”They don't have to be.”
She slumped in her chair. ”No. They are. It's like a rule or something.”
I eyed her, then Max. ”I don't know who is making these rules you two claim are law...”
Then something spectacular happened. Ceecee looked over at her dad, and at the same time, he looked over at her. They exchanged a secret glance before bursting into laughter. She giggled. ”Daddy makes the rules.”
He chuckled back. ”Oh, h.e.l.l no, little woman. You are in charge of the rules.”
A smile I could not help lit my face. ”Are either of you going to tell me about the rule thing, or are you just going to laugh behind my back and make me suffer?”
Max narrowed his eyes at me then nudged Ceecee. ”Should we tell her?”
She side-eyed her dad. ”I don't know. What do you think?”
He shrugged. ”Up to you, baby girl, but I think she's okay.”
Ceecee smiled at me, nodding. ”Yeah, I guess. She is family now.”
And at the very same time, my heart ached with pure joy, then burned from sheer terror. It hit me like a brick to the face. I did not want to lose this. So what happened when Max got sick of me because he thought our non-relations.h.i.+p had gone far enough? I would just have to wait for that day and hope it would be later rather than sooner. I would also have to pray I had it in me to nurse my wounded heart once I lost not only sweet Ceecee, but also sweet, moronic Max. Worst-case scenario, I would go home to California to lick my wounds in private.
Ceecee explained, ”Daddy has a rule about rules.” I tilted my head in confusion as she went on. ”If you see that you're in a no-win situation, you make a rule to help you get there.”
I chuckled. ”Isn't that...? Hmmm. What is the word I'm looking for? Oh yeah, I got it.” I looked pointedly at Max and accused, ”That would be lying.”
But Max shook his head. ”Strictly embellishment. And it works.”
I peeked over to Ceecee. ”Does it really?”
She smiled. ”It does.”
I sighed and threw up my hands. ”Well, okay. Now that I know about this, I'm going to have to try it myself.”
Max plucked at his tank and toed off his shoes. ”I'm going to have a quick shower. You girls good?”
I looked over at Ceecee. We smiled and said in unison, ”Fine.”
As Max disappeared, I called Ceecee into the kitchen, where we spent some time baking cookies and making a mess of ourselves. As I used to do with my sisters back home, I dipped my finger into the b.u.t.ter and painted Ceecee's face, then flicked flour on it to make it stick. Leaning over the counter, I encouraged her to do the same to me. I closed my eyes and let her go to work on my face. When Max popped into the kitchen, he looked at us, threw up his hands, and backed out of the door slowly.
The man can read between the lines.
As soon as our cookies were done, I got a paper towel, wet it, and cleaned my face. I handed Ceecee another wet towel and let her clean her own messed up face. We made our way to the living area, where Max had his feet up watching a college sports match. Ceecee transferred herself onto the pink single-seater I could see was hers, while I parked myself next to Max.
Ceecee looked over at the DVD shelf. ”Want to watch a movie?”
I had no reason to decline, not that I wanted to. ”Sounds great. Max, get up and choose.”
He mock-glared at me. ”We've been dating a whole day and you're already making demands?” He stood and walked over to the shelf. ”Sheesh. Talk about high maintenance.”
We watched How to Train Your Dragon, and I actually really enjoyed it. Actually, I'm not sure whether I liked the movie, or being snuggled up to Max with his arms around me. I was becoming surprisingly comfortable with his open affection. When the movie finished, I stood and stretched. ”Sorry to put you out, guys, but I think I should go. I've got work tomorrow.”
Max turned to his daughter. ”You gonna be okay if I take her?”
She nodded with a slight roll of her eyes. ”Yes, I'll be fine. Take your time.”
My face flushed.
Did she know her dad was trying to be sly about having dirty deeds with me?