Part 3 (1/2)

”Thet's nothin' Lets the shore blood outer you Dad did it for yer health Say, though, I can't have dealin's with a man that thinks me or dad or any one on the ”We're Here's” a thief We ain't any common wharf-end crowd by any ether for six years an' more Don't you make any mistake on that! I told ye dad don't let me swear He calls 'em vain oaths, and pounds me; but ef I could say what you said 'baout your pap an' his fixin's, I'd say that 'baout your dollars I dunno as in your pockets when I dried your kit, fer I didn't look to see; but I'd say, using the very same words ez you used jest now, neither me nor dad--an'

as the only two that teched you after you was brought aboard--knows anythin' 'baout thehad certainly cleared Harvey's brain, andto do with it ”That's all right,”

he said Then he looked down confusedly ”'See I haven't been over and above grateful, Dan”

”Well, you was shook up and silly,” said Dan ”Anyway, there was only dad an' ht have thought about losing the bills that way,” Harvey said, half to hiht a thief Where's your father?”

”In the cabin What d' you want o' hiain?”

”You'll see,” said Harvey, and he stepped, rather groggily, for his head was still singing, to the cabin steps, where the little shi+p's clock hung in plain sight of the wheel Troop, in the chocolate-and-yellow painted cabin, was busy with a note-book and an enormous black pencil, which he sucked hard froht,” said Harvey, surprised at his ownnaow?” said the skipper ”Walked into Dan, hev ye?”

”No; it's about you”

”I's back,” said Harvey, very quickly

”When a ulped

”Ey? You'll in by calling people naht an' jest,” said Troop, with the ghost of a dry sulp

Troop heaved hi on and held out an eleven-inch hand ”I ood; an' this shoeren't ht his ear ”I a it to the elbow ”We'll put a littlefeller; an' I don't think any worse of ye fer anythin' thet's gone by

You wasn't fairly responsible Go right abaout your business an' you won't take no hurt”

”You're white,” said Dan, as Harvey regained the deck, flushed to the tips of his ears

”I don't feel it,” said he

”I didn't mean that way I heard what dad said When dad allows he don't think the worse of any ive hie it I'ht when he says he can't take you back

It's all the livin' we make here--fishi+n' The men'll be back like sharks after a dead whale in ha'af an hour”

”What for?” said Harvey ”Supper, o' course Don't your stummick tell you? You've a heap to learn”

”'Guess I have,” said Harvey, dolefully, looking at the tangle of ropes and blocks overhead

”She's a daisy,” said Dan, enthusiastically,the look

”Wait till our mainsail's bent, an' she walks hoh” He pointed down into the darkness of the open main-hatch between the two masts

”What's that for? It's all eot to fill it,” said Dan ”That's where the fish goes”

”Alive?” said Harvey